Loki X Reader (Chapter 81)

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Thor ran to Loki's room where you were sitting on the bed holding your baby girl close and trying to help her go to sleep by rocking her slowly.

Thor walked into the room looking at you worried.

"Thor please tell me what's going on" You begged.

Thor looked down sadly as he walked toward you, "I bring bad tidings hunny, I am deeply sorry" Thor sighed.

"What is it Thor?" You asked.

"I accidentally told Odin that Loki destroyed Jotunhiem... not you..." Thor muttered.

You quickly put your baby girl in her crib in the other room as you closed the door a bit than ran up to Thor slapping him, "What?!" You growled.

"I'm sorry hunny" Thor sighed.

"Where is Loki now?" You asked looking at Thor extremely worried.

"Odin has sent him to be punished..." Thor muttered.

"What is Loki's punishment?" You asked looking at Thor hoping it wasn't death.

"He is to be tied to a rock and have serpents poison dripped on his body..." Thor said as he looked at you hoping he wouldn't get slapped again.

"Where is he going to be punished?" You asked.

"Probably down in the dungeons of the kingdom..." Thor sighed.

"Watch my baby girl for me, I'm going to go save Loki" You ran for the door but Thor grabbed your arm.

"It's hell down there ________" Thor said looking at you worried.

"I don't care Thor, I'm going to go save my husband whether you like it or not" You pulled away from Thor heading down to the dark dungeon of the Asgardian Kingdom.

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