Loki X Reader (Chapter 40) [Unexpected]

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You appeared in front of your house as you smiled but than turned around gasping, you fell to your knees, you couldn't believe your eyes, "No..." You muttered as tears streamed down your cheeks.

"No! No! No!" You screamed at the top of your lungs.

Tony's limo suddenly pulled up behind you as Tony got out of the limo taking his sunglasses off and dropping them from being surprised.

Tony fell to his knees hugging you from behind.

You both watched your house burn in flames.

"You can come and live with me if you'd like..." Tony said.

"No.... No I'm not going to loose everything like that... " You growled and stood up walking into the burning house.

"No! You'll die!" Tony shouted looking worried.

Tony's mouth dropped when he saw the flames disappear in a blink of an eye, "Oh my lord...." Tony muttered as he watched the house somehow rebuild itself.

You walked out of the house smiling, "There is no way I was going to give up my personal Avengers collection" You smirked crossing your arms.

Tony still looked devastated as he gasped.

You smiled and helped Tony up off the ground, you closed Tony's mouth, "Hey genius, snap out of it" You giggled.

Tony looked at you, "H-how did you do that...?" Tony asked.

"Long story..." You smiled slightly as you led Tony into your house.

Suddenly you heard a loud bang from upstairs, "Please help yourself to some whiskey... there's some in the kitchen" You said to Tony.

Tony smiled walking into the kitchen.

You slowly walked upstairs and into your room and heard a meow as if from a small kitten.
"Hello...?" You asked softly.

You suddenly saw a small black kitten crawl out from under the bed looking absolutely terrified, The tiny little kitten meowed at you cutely.

"Awww come here" You gently picked up the small black kitten kissing it's forehead.

You noticed the small kitchen had bright green eyes as it meowed at you again.

"Poor little kitten, stuck in a burning house... well don't worry... I'll take care of you cutie..." You smiled petting the kitten.

The kitten licked your cheek, "Aww thank you... you know what? I'm gonna put those cute little kittens in a box..." Suddenly the kitten jumped out of your arms and landed firmly on the floor.

The kitten turned into Loki as Loki looked at you.

"And put... Um... put a pretty bow on it..." You muttered smiling innocently at Loki.

Loki laughed and walked over to you, "Your so cute" Loki smiled kissing your cheek and lovingly grasping your hand.

"Yeah..." Your cheeks had gone red from the embarrassment as you looked down smiling at the floor.

"________! The rest of The Avengers are here!" Tony shouted from downstairs.

"Stay here..." You kissed Loki's cheek and walked out of the room heading downstairs.

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