Loki X Reader (Chapter 17)

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You blushed but quickly pushed him away, "You've hurt my friends, created all this chaos Loki" You said.

Loki seemed hurt, "I'm sorry..." Loki muttered.

"You should be sorry Loki... you hurt me as well..." You muttered and sighed.

Loki looked up at you surprised as he lovingly grasped you hand, "I'm so sorry ______, I never met to hurt you" Loki said.

You pulled your hand away from him, "Yes you did!" You shouted as tears began to cloud in your eyes.

Tears streamed down Loki's cheeks, "N-No I didn't..." Loki said.

"You bloody liar!" You screamed pinning Loki to the bed.

"You wanted to squish me like an ant like what you did with all the other humans, I am nothing to you, nothing but a shadow!" You screamed.

"That's not true!" Loki shouted.

You squeaked and got off of Loki as he grabbed you pulling you close, Loki wrapped his arms around you gently stroking your hair, "Your everything to me _____, I need you more than anything" Loki said.

You looked up at Loki sighing sadly, "I still don't believe you..." You muttered.

Loki lovingly pressed his lips against yours.

You surprisingly kissed back as you let Loki gently slip his tongue into your mouth.

Loki slowly pulled away as you blushed giggling cutely, Loki smiled at you, "Stand still okay..." Loki smirked as he got up and grabbed a blank canvas.

"What why...?" You asked softly.

"Because that is the perfect pose and I'm going to paint a picture of you" Loki said as he sat down on the stool and began painting you.

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