Loki X Reader (Chapter 90) [Bring her back!]

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You quickly pushed Loki off of you and ran into the living room.

"Tony!? Bruce!? What happened!?" You shouted looking around.

Loki came up behind you rubbing his head trying to ease the pain, Loki looked around the room.

Tony ran out of the lab smiling innocently.

"Tony? Where's my little girl?" You asked as you suddenly heard the crying suddenly stop.

"I uh... uh.. Bruce and uh.... hm... Hulk he..." Tony looked down.

You pushed Tony out of the way and ran into the lab, there you saw standing feet away from you was The Hulk holding your baby girl close.

Tears were streaming down The Hulk's cheeks as he looked up quickly backing away and holding your baby girl close, though he tried to hide her in his arms.

"Brucie... what's wrong?" You asked looking at The Hulk worried.

"Hulk sorry..." The Hulk muttered.

"What are you sorry for?" You now looked extremely worried.

"Hulk hurt baby girl..." The Hulk sighed sadly.

Tears clouded in your eyes as you walked up to The Hulk, "Brucie, let me see my baby girl" You begged.

The Hulk shook his head, "______ will hate Hulk" The Hulk said.

"Please Brucie, just let me see her" You begged.

The Hulk slowly showed your little girl to you.

Your little girl just lay there not moving or breathing, she just lay there as if she was in a deep sleep that she would never end up waking from.

You took your little girl in your arms as tears streamed down your cheeks, "No... my little girl..." You began sobbing.

Loki walked into the room smiling, "What's going on?" Loki asked as he suddenly saw you on your knees sobbing heavily.

"No... please... I can't loose you..." You sobbed.

Loki looked at The Hulk than quickly kneeled down in front of you, "Darling?" Loki asked as he suddenly noticed that his poor little baby girl wasn't moving.

You looked up at Loki, "NO! She has to wake up!" You cried.

Tears clouded in Loki's eyes as he growled standing as he turned glaring at The Hulk, "You killed her!" Loki shouted angrily.

The Hulk looked down sadly as he slowly backed away from Loki sighing.

"You bring her back! Now! She is my daughter! She is my child! I cannot loose her!" Loki shouted angrily as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Hulk didn't mean to kill baby girl" The Hulk sighed.

"Didn't mean to kill her! You stupid pathetic beast! You killed my daughter a-and now... and now..." Loki looked down sadly as tears streamed down his cheeks, "I didn't even get to spend that much time with her... I-I-I... I didn't even get to see her first steps yet..." Loki muttered.

You held your little girl close, you just couldn't let go of her, "Somebody just kill me..." You muttered softly.

"No! I can't loose you!" Loki turned looking at you sadly.

"B-But... m-my little girl is gone.. I.." You looked down sobbing even more.

"No! I can't loose my wife!" Loki cried kneeling down in front of you and gently lifting your chin, "Everything's going to be alright" Loki said kissing you passionately.

You pushed Loki away holding your girl close.

Loki took his little girl in his arms looking at her sadly, Loki kissed his little's girls forehead, "I love you my sweetie..." Loki smiled a bit before he gently lay his little girl on the bed, Loki turned around seeing you holding a gun in your hands.

More and more tears streamed down your cheeks as you pointed the gun at Loki.

Loki looked at you surprised, "Darling... please put the gun down" Loki begged.

"Why?! My little girl's dead and you seem to be acting fine!" You cried.

"I'm not fine... do you know how much I hurt right now... my heart just felt as though it shattered into millions of tiny pieces..." Loki muttered as more tears streamed down his cheeks.

You put your finger on the trigger looking at Loki scared.

"Darling... I know your hurting... but please... I promise you will get through this!" Loki said taking a step toward you.

You pulled the trigger but ended up hitting a lamp in the corner of the room, you suddenly saw Loki standing right in front of you as you put the tip of the gun to the bottom of his chin.

"So your going to kill me?" Loki looked at you hurt as his eyes were now beat red and his cheeks were now soaked with tears.

You looked at Loki not knowing what to say.

"So now your going to kill your family, your daughter is now dead and now you plan on killing me, your husband!" Loki shouted.

You flinched a bit, "Our daughters death was not my fault..." You cried as your hands began to shake.

"Do you love me?" Loki asked.

"Of course I do Loki..." You muttered softly.

"Than put the gun down..." Loki begged as he slowly leaned in kissing you passionately.

You pulled a small knife out stabbing Loki in the hip.

Loki quickly pulled back stumbling backward, Loki held his hip wincing as he looked at you sadly.

"I want the pain to stop..." You muttered softly as you slowly put the tip of the gun in your mouth.

"NO!" Loki cried.

You pulled the trigger but before you even could The Hulk tackled you grabbing the gun and throwing it out the window.

The Hulk held you close looking at you worried.

You screamed trying to push The Hulk away but he wouldn't let you go.

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