Loki X Reader (Chapter 22)

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"Things that I wouldn't dare to tell anyone else" You said sternly.

The All-father let out a slight growl, "Has she spoken to you? Has she appeared when you least expect it? Have you spoken to the Tesseract?!" The All-father shouted.

"Yes she has spoken to me, Yes she has appeared when I least expect it and yes I have spoken back to her okay..." You sighed, "I am crazy aren't I...?" You muttered softly.

"No you are not crazy my dear, the legend is true" Odin smiled at you.

"What Legend?" You asked.

"The Legend of the great young girl who has protected the Tesseract ever since I created it" Odin smiled warmly.

"When did you create the Tesseract...?" You asked looking at Odin worried.

"Many, many of thousand if not millions of years ago... let's just say when the realms were first created" Odin said.

You gasped taking a step back, "No... that cannot be true..." You muttered.

"In fact it is my darling..." Odin said, "but it is rather strange why you have forgotten this..." Odin said.

"No! It is not true!" You screamed running out of the room.

"Loki! Loki where are you!? Take me back to Midgard... I mean um earth! Take me back to earth!" You screamed as suddenly a bright white light surrounded you and you disappeared.

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