Loki X Reader (Chapter 30) [She's Mine!]

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The All-father summoned You to Asgard as suddenly you appeared in The All-fathers room, He approached you and looked at you curiously.

"Is it true?" Odin asked.

"Is what true, master?" You asked wondering why you had called the great All-father, Master?

"That you said yes to marrying my son" Odin said.

"Master..." You bowed, "Thor had tricked me into marrying him, these were his words" You said taking a deep breathe, "Do you care for me? Will you marry me?" You said, "I only answered the first question" You said looking down.

"No offense Master.... but I don't want to marry Thor, he is truly a great friend, but only a friend" You said.

Odin nodded his head.

"Ahhh... now I understand" Odin smirked as he kissed your forehead.

"Don't worry, I shall cancel the wedding for tomorrow evening, or would you like to marry my step-son instead?" Odin asked.

You looked at Odin surprised.

"Perhaps later in the future" Odin chuckled.

You smiled and bowed, "Thank you Master" You said before leaving The-All fathers chambers and beginning to go look for Thor and Loki.


Thor and Loki were in the grand hall screaming at each other.

Thor punched Loki, "She is to marry you! Not me!" Thor shouted angrily, "Besides, who would want to marry a Frost Giant!?" Thor smirked.

Loki got up off the floor growling, "Who would want to marry a savage who only cares about himself!? Your pathetic and you don't deserve the throne!" Loki shouted angrily.

Thor growled punching Loki again.

Loki quickly dodged Thor's punch as she snapped his fingers, Loki's scepter suddenly appeared in Loki's hand as he laughed insanely.

Thor summoned his Hammer as he hit Loki.

Loki flew backward hitting the floor hard as he growled getting up and charging at Thor, "You do not deserve ______!" Loki shouted angrily as hit Thor in the back of the head with his scepter.

Thor hit Loki in the gut with his hammer growling angrily.

Loki stumbled back but quickly got up punching Thor as hard as he could.

Thor fell backward as he got up sighing.

"I do not know why Father would ever let a none worthy man like you! Sit on the throne of Asgard! You know what?! Brother! You deserve to be thrown into a deep dark whole where no one can hear you scream!" Loki shouted angrily as he kicked Thor.

"Brother Loki... Please I do not want to hurt you!" Thor shouted.

"I was never your Brother!" Loki shouted angrily as he punched Thor hardly.

Thor fell to his knees.

"Fight me!" Loki shouted smacking Thor with the end of his scepter.

Thor stood picking his hammer up.

Loki laughed insanely as he smacked Thor again with his scepter but this time Thor dodged and hit Loki in the head with his hammer as hard as he could.

Loki fell to the floor groaning in pain.

Thor put his hammer up as thunder and lightening struck loudly, "I'm so sorry Brother Loki...That it had to be this way..." Thor muttered softly as he was about to hit Loki again.

But suddenly You pushed Loki away and took the hit instead, You flew backward a few hundred feet hitting the wall hard as you fell to the floor.

"________!" You heard Loki scream your name before falling unconscious.

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