Loki X Reader (Chapter 16)

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"What are you doing...?" Loki asked softly as he walked toward you looking at you curiously.

"Um... nothing..." You muttered as you quickly put a white sheet over the painting, You smiled innocently.

"If your doing nothing... how come your covered in paint...?" Loki asked.

"Well everything is just so cluttered in here, I tripped over something and paint got all over me" You put your hands on your hips.

Loki laughed, "Come, let's get you cleaned up" Loki said as he brought you into the bathroom, Loki grabbed a cloth and wet it as he made you sit down on the bathroom counter, Loki gently began wiping the paint off your face and hands.

You blushed, "You know I could have cleaned myself up on my own..." You said.

"Yes, but I want to keep an eye on you myself for a few days..." Loki said as he than walked you out of the bathroom and into his huge closet.

You looked at him curiously.

"Now let's get you into some clean fresh clothes" Loki said as he pulled out one of his dress shirts and handed it to you.

"Loki...?" You asked softly.

"Yes darling?" He asked looking at you wondering what you were going to say.

"How come one moment your the sweetest most caring man one minute and than the next your Loki, the man who wants to take over the world!" You said.

Loki sighed and just walked away.

You stopped him, "Loki... please tell me... has someone put you up to this...?" You asked.
"Get dressed" Loki said as he walked out of the closet sighing.

A few moments later

You walked out of Loki's closet in his baggy white dress shirt, You smiled shyly.

Loki was laying on the bed as he quickly sat up, "my bra had paint on it so I took it off..." You muttered softly.

Loki's cheeks went a slight pink.

You slowly walked over to him and sat on the bed moving your hair out of your face.

"I've never seen your hair down or not in a braid" Loki smiled at you as he gently put some of your hair behind your ear.

"Your so beautiful..." Loki said as he kissed you passionately.

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