Loki X Reader (Chapter 8)

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It was almost midnight and Loki was still not back.

You just sat on your bed watching T.V when suddenly your cell phone rang, You picked it up wondering who on earth could be calling at this time of night.

It was Tony, now why would Tony be calling you at this time of night? Is he in danger? Maybe he's just drunk.

You answered the phone anyways, "hello...?" You asked softly.

"______ get down here now! Were being attacked!!! We need all the back up we can get!" Tony shouted as he almost seemed tired.

You gasped but just thought Tony was playing a joke on you.

"_______ please! The Avengers need you!" Tony exclaimed as you suddenly heard gun shots.
"Tony!? Are you being shot at!?" You asked worryingly.

"Yes, I'm in my suit, now please just get down here as soon as you can!" Tony begged as suddenly the phone line went dead.

"Tony!? Tony!" You shouted as you quickly got out of bed and quickly got dressed running out of the house and toward Stark Tower.

You ran down the dark street and when you stopped just feet away from the front doors, You heard a loud bang, you looked up and saw a big fire cloud at the top of Stark Tower, "Tony!" You screamed worryingly.

You heard more gunshots from inside as you took a deep breathe and slowly opened the door walking inside.

"T-Tony, B-Bruce.... anyone...?" You asked softly as you looked around seeing rubble and dead S.H.I.E.L.D. agents everywhere.

"O-Oh god..." You muttered taking a small step back.

You quickly took the elevator to the top floor as when the elevator doors open all you saw was all the furniture destroyed as well as the bar burned to almost nothing.

"Is anybody here...?" You asked softly as you slowly walked around the room.

You looked out the cracked window to seeing Tony shooting at something but you didn't quite know what.

"Tony!" You shouted as suddenly you heard a small crash from behind you.

You squeaked and quickly turned around seeing no one, "hello....? Is anyone here...? Please I'm not going to hurt you.." You said as you saw a small piece of green cape from behind the bar counter, or what was left of the bar counter.

"Loki...?" You asked softly but there was no answer.

"Loki! What the hell are you doing here!?" You growled peeking behind the bar counter.
But no one seemed to be there, "What the hell?" You asked yourself as you sighed and continued looking around the room hoping Tony was okay.

You suddenly heard the elevator 'ding!' as you turned around seeing Thor stumble out of the elevator door exhausted and weak.

You quickly ran to his side.

"Thor? What happened?" You asked worryingly as Thor fell to his knees panting.

"Y-You have to get out of here...." Thor muttered weakly as he breathing was shallow, he was badly cut and bruised as if he had just finished a great battle.

"No! I'm not leaving you" You said trying to help Thor stand.

"No.... you must or he'll get you and take you away... please just go" Thor begged as he gently pushed you away, "go!" Thor shouted.

You quickly ran to the elevator looking at Thor worried, Thor smiled for you as the elevator doors closed.

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