Loki X Reader (Chapter 66)

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You and Loki appeared your apartment, You pushed Loki away, "I cannot just leave him there! The Frost Giants will kill him Loki!" You cried.

"Darling, I promise you he'll be fine!" Loki said.

"No he won't! He'll die! I cannot let my master die!" You screamed.

Loki pulled you into a loving hug, "Darling, he will be alright, he's fought a whole army of Frost Giants and won, I promise you he will be alright" Loki smiled for you.

You tried to pull away from Loki as your eyes began glowing a bright icy blue, "Loki!" You growled angrily.

Loki sighed and took a step back, "It's just after our wedding and were already yelling at each other..." Loki looked down and just walked away.

Your eyes faded back to normal, "Loki... I'm sorry..." You muttered following him, you grabbed Loki's arm.

"Do not touch me!" Loki shouted angrily.

You flinched backing away as your eyes began to glow again.

"What was he point of this! I knew we were never going to work out!" Loki shouted at you, "Midgardians are pathetic and idiots! And so are Asgardians and whatever stupid things they create!" Loki growled.

You looked at Loki hurt as tears streamed down your cheeks.

"All you do is hurt everyone and destroy everything in your path!" Loki shouted angrily grabbing you.

Your body began glowing a bright blue as you screamed.

A shock wave seemed to come off your body as Loki went flying into the wall.

You fell to your knees sobbing, "I knew a girl like me could never truly love a monster like you, your no God..." You muttered.

Loki got up off the ground looking at you angrily, Loki's scepter appeared in Loki's hand as he put the tip to your neck.

"How dare you speak to me like that!" Loki growled.

You grabbed Loki's scepter as it disappeared, you stood glaring at Loki grabbing him by the neck and lifting him off the ground, "Don't ever speak to me like that again!" You growled in a dark voice as you through Loki across the room.

Your eyes suddenly faded back to normal as you felt like you were going to faint but quickly disappeared.

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