Loki X Reader (Chapter 5)

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A few hours later

You awoke finding yourself in the infirmary.

Director Fury and The Avengers stood around the bed looking at you and muttering to each other.

For some reason you didn't remember much.

"Are you okay _____?" Thor asked concerned.

You nodded your head groaning a bit, you had a bit of a migraine but just tried to ignore it.

"You held the Tesseract and didn't get incinerated" Director Fury said as Tony and Bruce looked at you worried, "guys I'm perfectly fine" You said with a wave of a hand as you got up off the bed rubbing the back of your head a bit.

"How bloody hard did I hit the ground?" You asked as Director Fury sighed, "pretty hard ms. ________" Director Fury said.

"So um... did the Tesseract do anything after I passed out?" You asked as Tony and Bruce looked at each other whistling innocently.

"Well?" You asked grabbing your bag and crossing your arms.

"Um... the Tesseract... kind of um.... disappeared" Tony smiled innocently as You gasped.
"What!? How the hell could the Tesseract just disappear!?" You asked.

"Look, exactly when you fainted, the Tesseract glowed and pratically almost blinded everyone... than it just well, vanished..." Bruce said taking off his glasses and looking at You worried.

"Is there any chance that you know where the Tesseract might have gone?" Hawkeye asked.

"Oh of course I know where the Tesseract went! I heard the Tesseract was going to the bloody park for ice cream!" You laughed walking out of the room as Thor looked at Tony.

"______ made me want ice cream now" Thor chuckled as he smiled.

Tony gave him a strange look and just walked away with Bruce, "let's go continue doing science!" Bruce exclaimed as Tony just laughed.

A few hours later

You arrived home hoping Loki was gone as you made sure the front door was locked this time.

You through your bag on the couch as you plumped yourself on the couch as well and grabbed the remote turning on the T.V.

"Doctor Who!" You smiled pressing the channel button, You smiled snuggling up with what you thought was your fur blanket, but it was actually Loki's long green cape.
You didn't really noticed and just continued watching.

But suddenly you heard a loud noise, "Oh my god! The Tardis is upstairs!" You squeaked in a slightly fan-girl voice as you ran upstairs and into your room.

But in disappointment you saw a glow coming from under the blankets of your bed.

You quickly opened your dresser drawer grabbing your replica of a Sonic Screwdriver as you made a humming noise like it did in Doctor Who, you removed you slowly removed the blanket and saw the Tesseract sitting on your bed.

You gasped, "what the hell are you doing here?" You asked softly as suddenly Loki came up behind you grabbing you.

You screamed quickly turning around, "pew pew pew!" You shouted pointing the Sonic Screwdriver at Loki as Loki screamed falling to the floor and covering his head.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Loki begged as you look at Loki laughing.

"Loki it's just a toy" You laughed as Loki looked up at you quickly standing up and straightening his clothes.

"I was so not scared" Loki said smirking.

You quickly covered the Tesseract with the blankets on your bed hoping he wouldn't notice as you smiled kissing his cheek.

"I didn't mean to scare you" You giggled as Loki crossed his arms gently moving you to the side.

He removed the blanket's off the bed, and there sat on the bed was the Tesseract.

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