LokiXReader (Chapter 60) [Embrace Your True Self]

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Loki was listening to the whole conversation as Loki suddenly walked into the room, Loki walked up to you and smiled pretending he hadn't heard the conversation, "How is my precious darling doing?" Loki asked.

You turned looking at Loki as tears streamed down your cheeks, you hugged Loki tightly not wanting to let him go.

"What happened Darling...?" Loki asked sighing.

"Do you or do you not want to raise our child in Jotuhiem...?" You asked looking at Loki curiously.

Loki was silent for a moment, "Darling... it's up to you..." Loki muttered softly.

"Answer the question Loki" You demanded.

"Darling... I thought of raising the child in Jotuhiem... but I rather raise the child here... but I'm worried that S.H.I.E.L.D. will find us and the child..." Loki muttered looking down sadly.

"Loki... they're not going to find us... or the child... we'll be perfectly safe..." You muttered softly.

"And what about when you give birth? You have to go to the hospital, They're going to end up finding that ________ __________, isn't a real person...." Loki said looking at you worried.

"Loki... everything will be okay..." You muttered wincing and holding your stomach and siting down.

"No! Everything won't be okay!" Loki shouted.

You sighed flinching and wrapping a blanket around yourself trying to ignore you sudden headache.

Loki sighed sadly, "I...I just don't the child to end up like I did..." Loki muttered softly.

"Loki..." You looked at him worried.

Loki sat down beside you as he pulled you into his arms kissing your forehead, "I'm sorry darling.... I didn't mean to shout..." Loki whispered to you.

You gently rested your head on Loki's chest, "I-It's okay..." You muttered wincing and holding your stomach again, "Damn it..." You muttered softly.

Loki looked at you worried, "You okay...?" Loki asked concerned.

"I'm guessing it doesn't take 9 months like regular people..." You muttered.

"Ah... no... I kind of forgot to tell you that..." Loki smiled innocently.

You groaned berrying your head into Loki's chest, You wrapped your arms around Loki loving his body warmth.

Loki gently stroked your hair, "It takes about 2-3 months... 4 months at the most... maybe even 6 but that's usually a bad sign..." Loki muttered.

You look up at Loki looked worried as you just continued snuggling up to him.

You soon ended up falling asleep in Loki's arms as Loki ended up falling asleep as well.

Hours later

You slowly opened your eyes finding yourself not in your bedroom but in Odin's bed, You slowly sat up looking around curiously.

"Easy hunny..." Frigga said as she walked over to you with a bowl of water and a cloth, Frigga dipped the cloth in the cold water and put it on your forehead.

"Why am I here...?" You asked wincing a bit and putting your hand to your stomach, you realized you had a small baby bump.

"Congratulations hunny..." Frigga smiled warmly at you.

"Thank you..." You smiled slightly, "Where is Loki...?" You asked.

Frigga sighed looking disappointed for some reason, "His father is yelling at him..." Frigga muttered softly.

"Why...?" You asked looking at Frigga curiously.

"You see... Odin is yelling at Loki because he has not married you... and he was not allowed to impregnate you without marrying you first..." Frigga sighed.

"Loki did not mean to get me pregnant Frigga... we were just celebrating our engagement..." You looked down sadly.

"Yes I know hunny, but it is not tradition... therefore Loki must be punished for his doings..." Frigga looked down sadly.

"No... I must find Loki and Odin!" You slowly sat up walking toward the door.

"We are very strict with tradition here in Asgard... and when someone does not follow tradition they must be punished.." Frigga said.

"Well I won't let the man I love be punished!" You cried.

"Hunny everything will be okay..." Frigga said.

"No! I am finding Loki!" You shouted walking out of Odin's room, "Loki!" You shouted running into Loki's room finding Odin shouting at Loki.

Loki and Odin turned and looked at you.

"Loki..." You ran to Loki hugging him tightly, you kissed Loki passionately.

Loki smile slightly but gently pulled away, "Darling... please go back to Odin's room with mother Frigga..." Loki sighed.

You shook your head clinging to Loki.

"Darling please..." Loki begged.

You looked at Loki sadly, "Fine..." You muttered as tears began streaming down your cheeks, You ran out of the room disappearing.

Loki sighed sadly as he looked at Odin.

"Since you did not follow tradition and it is a disgrace to marry ________ now, you are to not be there for your child's birth... The baby is too be born in Asgard!" Odin said sternly.

Loki sighed and nodded his head.

Odin sighed and turned away from Loki walking out of the room in disappointment.


You appeared in the middle of a park a dark park in London as you sighed sadly, you looked up at the bright lamp post in front of you, it began to snow as you giggled and smiled.

The lamppost had reminded you of 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' A book you had read about a magical place called Narnia.

"For Narnia..." You muttered and smiled looking up at the sky and sticking your tongue out catching a snowflake on your tongue.

You smiled and put out your hand catching a few snowflakes on your hand.

"I love the snow..." You muttered softly, "It's so beautiful..." You whispered to yourself.

It suddenly began to snow heavier as you smiled more, the more you seemed to smile the heavier it snowed.

"We don't want London to have go to a snow storm... lighten up a bit..." You muttered as it the snow suddenly fell lightly.

You gasped but giggled and span around closing your eyes twirling around, you felt the cold wind on your face.

You slowly opened your eyes as you looked down finding yourself floating.

You squeaked, "What the hell?" You asked yourself as you gently hovered back down to the ground.

You thought to yourself for a moment as you smirked.

"Perhaps I need to embrace my true self... but just hide it from the public..." You muttered softly.

You slowly began walking home as you played with the wind the whole way home with just a wave of your hand.

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