Loki X Reader (Chapter 37)

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Loki walked over to you, "What else did King Laufey say to you darling?" Loki asked concerned as he sat on the bed with you.

"Loki..." You looked down sadly.

"Please tell me..." Loki begged as he gently grasped your hand.

"Loki... no..." You muttered.

"______... Please..." Loki looked at you sadly.

"Loki.... h-he.... he said that I was pregnant.... and that if I didn't give him our child... he would destroy Midgard and Asgard...." You muttered looking down sadly.

Loki looked at you surprised, "W-What else...?" Loki asked.

"He didn't tell me why he wanted the child... he just said he was Jotun child... nothing about if it was a boy or girl... just that he needed the child..." You muttered softly.
"But I don't believe anything about what he said... I'm not pregnant... I'm not evil..." You muttered.

"Do you not want to have a child?" Loki asked softly.

"Loki... I-I..." You seemed surprised at Loki's words.

"Do you? Or do you not want to have a child with me?" Loki asked looking hurt.

"This is not the right time to be asking this kind of question Loki... I'm afraid Loki..." You muttered looking down.

"Do you love me?!" Loki shouted.

"Of course I do Loki! I love you with all my heart!" You shouted back at him.

"Than why do you not want to have a child with me!?" Loki asked as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I am not ready to have a child yet Loki... I do very much want to have children with you... but not now... maybe later in the future..." You muttered softly, you gently wiped Loki's tears kissing him passionately.

Loki smiled at you happily.

You smiled back, "I swear to Asgard! You ever think you don't love me, I'd kill myself!" You said sternly but giggled.

Loki chuckled and held you close kissing your forehead, "I love you darling" Loki smiled firmly grasping your hand.

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