Loki X Reader (Chapter 11)

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When you walked into the city, you saw guards everywhere, people looked sad and almost looked homeless, there clothes were ripped and dirty.

"My god Loki.... what have you done..." You muttered softly as a guard looked at you strangely.

You walked down the street and walked toward the huge building that was now Loki's kingdom as two guards stopped you, growling at you angrily.

"Stop mortal!" The Guards shouted.

"I am a friend of Loki's" You growled at them and looked at you suspiciously.

"Our Lord has no friends!" The Guards growled.

"I am _____" You said as The Guards gasped and quickly let you in, You slowly walked upstairs and slowly opened the front doors of Loki's new kingdom.

You saw Loki at the end of the far hall sitting in his throne, "Who dares to disturb there Lord!?" Loki's voice echoed off the walls as you slowly walked down the hallways feeling a bit scared.

"Answer your lord mortal!" Loki growled as he stood from his throne.

"Stop calling me mortal" You growled angrily.

Loki gasped when you stopped, you stood feet away from him as he slowly walked toward you looking at you surprised.

"______....?" Loki asked softly as he grabbed the horns of his helmet and took it off, "what are you doing here...?" Loki asked softly.

You just looked at him a moment than looked at him sadly.

"Loki... how could you!?" You slapped Loki angrily, "I've seen what it's like out there! Everyone is starving! People out there who are homeless!" You shouted.

Loki grabbed your wrist before you could even slap him as he sighed.

You sighed sadly looking down as tears began to stream down your cheeks.

Loki gently wrapped his arms around your hips as he gently pulling you close, "shhh... please don't cry my darling..." Loki begged as he held you close gently stroking your hair.

You wrapped your arms around his neck sobbing into his shoulder, "I thought you loved me... but you're just a monster..." You loved Loki's embrace but ended up pushing him away.

Loki looked at you hurt, "I know I'm a monster..." Loki sighed sadly.

You looked at Loki, "no Loki... it's just..." You just looked down sadly beginning to sob, you fell to your knees.

Loki quickly ran to you and gently lifted your head pulling you close.

"Just what darling....?" Loki asked softly as he gently wiped your tears kissing you forehead.

"I-I love you Loki..." You muttered softly as tears kept streaming down your cheeks, "but I know you don't love me back..." you muttered.

"No! That's not true _____" Loki cried as tears began to cloud his eyes.

You looked at him heartbroken, "You should have just killed me, that night outside Stark Tower" You cried.

"No! No darling don't say that! I love you with all my heart!" Loki cried as Loki held you close.

"Prove it..." You sobbed as Loki kissed you passionately wrapping his arms around your waist not ever wanting to let you go.

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