Loki X Reader (Chapter 59)

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After a few hours of throwing up

Loki grabbed a towel and wiped your mouth, "Oh darling come here..." Loki gently pulled you into your arms holding you close.

You gently rested your head on Loki's chest whimpering.

Loki gently rubbed your back and kissed your forehead, "Don't worry darling... your going to be okay..." Loki gently picked you up and carried you out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where he gently lay you down.

You sobbed quietly clinging to your pillow.

Loki gently put a blanket on you as he kissed your cheek, "I'm going to quickly take the garbage darling... I'll be back soon..." Loki whispered to you than left the room.

You reached out to Loki not wanting him to leave your side, you absolutely felt terrible as you slowly sat up hearing a noise from your closet.

"Hello..." You asked softly carefully getting up and wobbling over to your closet, you slowly opened the door seeing nothing, "What the hell...?" You muttered to yourself and just shook your head walking away.

You walked over to the bed sitting back down as you suddenly felt the room get cold.

"L-Loki...?" You asked beginning to get a little freaked out, you looked around the room as the room suddenly got freezing cold now.

You wrapped a blanket around you shivering.

"Hello...?" You muttered.

"Hello..." A dark voice muttered softly.

You looked around the room not seeing anyone in sight, "Who are you and what are you doing in my room?!" You asked looking panicked.

"No need to panic, I'm just wondering how my new step-daughter is doing" The dark voice chuckled.

You growled angrily, "King Laufey..." You muttered softly.

"Yes... It is... now how are you doing...? Is the morning sickness gone yet...?" King Laufey asked appearing behind you.

"I'm fine... and yes I think the morning sickness is over..." you muttered turning around, "besides... why do you even care...?" You asked.

"Your my step-daughter and I care about you... and the child that you hold..." King Laufey said.

"But all you want is the baby..." You growled.

"No... that's not true darling... I care about you too" King Laufey smirked walking toward you and gently lifting your chin looking at you.

You backed away from him, "Why do you even want the child...?" You asked growling at King Laufey.

"I want the child to grow up Jotunhiem... I want the child to know our customs and traditions..." King Laufey said.

"Why don't you tell me the truth you idiot" You growled.

"That is the truth" King Laufey said as he let out a slight growl.

"Look... I want my child to be raised in Midgard... please... I want my child to live like a human...." You sighed.

"So you can hide the child from who it truly is!?" King Laufey growled.

"No... I just want to raise my child the way I and Loki want too..." You muttered softly.

"Well I'm sure Loki wants to raise the child in Jotunhiem!" King Laufey grabbed You growling angrily at you.

"No he doesn't!" You shouted pulling away from King Laufey.

"Ask him yourself than!" King Laufey growled disappearing.

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