Loki X Reader (Chapter 83)

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Thor gave your little girl to you, you took her in your arms holding her close, you kissed her cheek and smiled happily.

"Your safe now my sweetie" You smiled.

"M-Mama..." She muttered softly clinging to you.

You smiled kissing you little girls forehead, you sat down next to Loki as you little girl reached out to Loki.

"Dada!" She smiled happily.

Loki smiled as he took his little girl in his arms, "Hello my sweet" Loki smiled kissing her forehead.

You smiled but suddenly felt the room get ice cold, "Thor...? Look out the door for me..." You muttered softly.

Thor peeked out of the room seeing the guards frozen solid, Thor slowly closed the door locking it, "We need to go... now..." Thor whispered softly.

"Come on... we'll take her somewhere safe..." You whispered.

Everyone heard heavy footsteps walk toward the door as you quickly put your finger to your lips looking at Loki worried.

The heavy footsteps walked away as your little girl sneezed, "Oh bless you sweetie" You said but quickly covered your mouth.

The heavy footsteps ran toward the door.

You, Loki, Thor and your little girl disappeared.

You all suddenly appeared in Stark Tower.

"Tony? Where are you?!" You asked looking around the room, you suddenly saw Tony at his bar making himself a drink as he waved at you.

"Wow ______?!" Tony quickly put his drink down running over to you and hugging you tightly.

"Can I ask you and Bruce a big favor?" You asked.

"Sure, anything darlin" Tony said.

You smiled handing your little girl to Tony, your little girl drooled a bit as she stared at Tony and giggled, "This little cutie is my daughter, her name is ________" You smiled.

Tony looked at your little girl, "That's a baby... and you want me and Bruce to take care of it?" Tony looked at you.

"Yes" You giggled.

Tony took your little girl in his arms as he gently wiped the drool off her lip and wiped it on his shirt, "I gotta admit, she's kinda cute" Tony chuckled.

Your little girl stared at Tony than giggled cutely tapping his arc reactor on his chest, "Pretty..." She giggled.

Tony chuckled and smiled holding her close, "I'm gonna show her to Bruce" Tony smiled.

Your little girl snuggled up to Tony drooling on his shoulder.

Tony stopped and turned around, "Uh... I hope Bruce doesn't get jealous..." Tony muttered walking into his lab where Bruce usually was.

Loki looked at you snapping his fingers so he was now dressed, "What does man or iron man by Dr. Banner being jealous?" Loki asked.

"I uh..." You smiled innocently hiding behind Thor.

"________! Tell me!" Loki let out a slight growl.

"Well when we got into a fight and well uh... Bruce said that he had feelings for me and we kissed but I told him I wasn't ready for another relationship because I still loved you..." You muttered.

Loki walked over to you, "How did he take it?" Loki asked.

"Not well..." You sighed, "I mean... I feel a bit bad for Bruce..." You muttered softly.

Loki hugged you and kissed your forehead, "Well... you can always be his best friend or something..." Loki smiled.

"Yeah... I guess I could..." You smiled, "Maybe I could show S.H.I.E.L.D that Bruce isn't that bad and that he can control his anger so they don't have to turn me into a weapon" You smiled happily.

Loki smiled and nodded his head, "That's a great idea darling" Loki kissed your forehead.

You smiled and kissed Loki's cheek before walking into the lab.

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