Loki X Reader (Chapter 6)

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You quickly covered the Tesseract with the blankets as Loki removed them again, "Where did you get that?" Loki asked looking at you crossing his arms.

"The Tesseract go up and walked all the way to my house and climbed in through the window! I don't bloody know how it got here!" You said as suddenly the Tesseract seemed to glow even brighter now.

You removed the blankets off the Tesseract as you sat on the bed looking at it curiously.

"I don't know why people always think this thing is so evil and that it can destroy the world, I mean it's just a cube" You said picking the Tesseract up as Loki gasped in surprise.

"Your mortal... you shouldn't be able to pick it up" Loki said as he looked at you curiously.

The Tesseract glowed brightly as you held it closely to your heart.

"It tickles" You giggled and smiled as Loki looked absolutely amazed, "it's cold to" You smiled.

"You cannot be mortal ______, it's impossible" Loki said as he smiled.

"hmm... I wonder where you are from" Loki smirked.

Suddenly your eyes went an icy blue and they began glowing brightly like the Tesseract, Loki slowly walked toward you as you growled at him angrily sitting on the bed not wanting to let go of the Tesseract.

"_______ it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you... just give it back..." Loki said as when he tried to grab the Tesseract from you, you bite him.

Loki quickly took a step back, "jeez! No need to bite" Loki said looking at his finger and kissing it.

You didn't care as you just kept staring at the Tesseract muttering to yourself quietly.

Loki suddenly heard thunder and lightening, Loki flinched as he heard Thor walk up behind him, "hello brother" Thor smirked as Loki rolled his eyes growling.

"I have told you many times Thor! I am not your brother" Loki growled as Thor chuckled.
"You will always be my brother Loki" Thor smiled.

Thor suddenly noticed You staring deeply into the Tesseract as he quickly walked over to you grabbing the Tesseract but you tackled him grabbing it from him and hoping back onto the bed holding it close.

"My precious!" You shouted as if you were Golem from Lord Of The Rings.

Thor grabbed his hammer as he sighed smashing the side of your head knocking you out cold.

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