Loki X Reader (Chapter 53)

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"How about we share a pot of tea and try some steak and potato pie?" You smiled at Loki bringing him over to the ordering counter.

Loki smiled at the shelf of goodies.

"Or we can always get some cake or some tarts" You giggled cutely.

"I will get some cake please... oh... can I have the mint chocolate piece" Loki pouted looking at you.

"Of course" You giggled and smiled.

You ordered a pot of tea and Loki's piece of cake, you also got something for yourself as you sat down at a table with Loki.

Loki poured a cup of tea for you and himself as he smiled at you.

"So what shall we chat about darling?" Loki asked in a British accent.

You looked at Loki surprised, "Your brilliant at a British accent you know..." You giggled speaking in a British accent.

Loki chuckled and smiled happily.

"So... were probably going to have to change our names.... get a job... I still have to change my appearance and all... so yeah..." You muttered to Loki softly.

Loki nodded his head, "What do you think my new name should be...?" Loki asked.

"Well... we just have to use our fake names in public..." You muttered softly.

Loki nodded his head and took a bite of his cake smiling, "Wow... this is amazing" Loki smiled as a few crumbs of cake were on the side of Loki's mouth.

You giggled and gently wiped them away with a napkin.

Loki smiled innocently and chewed and swallowed.

"What would you like to do for a job? You can always sell your amazing paintings" You smiled and sipped at your tea, you put your wrapped up treat in your purse to save it for later as you looked up at Loki wondering what he was going to say.

"No... I couldn't..." Loki's cheeks went a bright red.

"Yes you could, your an amazing artist Loki... I'm sure you could pull it off..." You smiled, "I'm sure people would want to buy your wonderful pieces" You said.

"Okay..." Loki smiled happily feeling confidence.

"What are you going to do for a job...?" Loki asked looking at you curiously.

"Um... maybe I could um... work at some shop or something..." You muttered softly, "Or maybe work on my computer from home or something... I'll figure something out... don't worry" You smiled a bit.

Loki nodded his head and smiled at you lovingly.

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