Loki X Reader (Chapter 64)

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Loki suddenly appeared in Odin's room as he sighed sadly, "I hate not wearing my ring..." He thought to himself.

Odin turned looking at Loki wondering why he was here.

"I need to see my child's birth, I cannot bare to be there for _______ at the time she needs me most" Loki said sternly.

"But you have broken tradition!" Odin shouted.

"Yes! Well sometimes tradition needs to be broken!" Loki shouted back.

Odin growled but than smiled at Loki.

Loki looked at him confused, "Me and _________ have had our own wedding at home in our apartment that we live in together..." Loki smiled a bit.

Odin just kept smiling as he chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Loki asked still seeming quite puzzled.

"Loki, my son, I am not as strict with traditions as your mother thinks, I was a little bit angered when I found out you hadn't married __________ before you impregnated her... but I soon got over it... and as a gift, I want to give you too a proper wedding as well as my blessing" Odin smiled.

Loki looked at Odin surprised but smiled happily, "I'm sure _________ would love this very much, I should probably go home and tell her the good news" Loki smiled.

Odin chuckled, "Everyone shall be there, and it shall be held on the full moon, which is tomorrow night" Odin smiled, "Make sure your here in Asgard tomorrow morning" Odin said.

"Will do..." Loki smiled and disappeared.

Loki suddenly appeared behind you as he suddenly saw you sobbing on the floor.

"Darling! What happened!?" Loki asked quickly kneeling down in front of you.

You pushed Loki away sobbing more, "If you wanted to leave me you could have just told me..." You cried still holding Loki's ring close to your heart.

"What?" Loki looked at confused but than noticed the ring.

"Darling... I took my ring off because I didn't want Odin to see it when I went to go see him, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before I left..." Loki sighed.

You looked at Loki but thought he was lying as you just kept crying even more.

"Darling! Please stop crying!" Loki begged trying to pull you close but you kept pushing him away.

You had used all your strength and just let Loki pull you into his arms.

"Darling... I went to Odin because as a punishment for breaking tradition... that I couldn't seeing the birthing of our child in Asgard.... that broke my heart and I wouldn't dare to let that happen so I went to Odin to go speak with him..." Loki said gently rubbing your back.

You looked up at Loki, your eyes beat red.

"I told Odin that we had our own wedding... and well... he seemed happy and got over that I broke tradition... so he has decided to give us his blessing by having a big wedding ceremony in Asgard tomorrow night" Loki smiled for you.

You suddenly hugged Loki tightly kissing him passionately, "Don't ever scare me like that again!" You cried continuing to kiss him.

Loki chuckled and smiled as he wrapped his arms around you kissing back a bit.

You noticed you still had Loki's ring as you slipped it back onto his finger kissing his cheek.

"Don't you ever think I would leave you like that darling" Loki said as he lovingly grasped your hand.

You nodded your head and smiled.

"Come... let's make us some dinner for ourselves..." Loki said as he carefully helped you up, Loki noticed you wince.

"I don't know why the bugger keeps kicking..." You sighed.

"Maybe you should try singing to him... or reading him a story..." Loki said.

"Well he seems to kick most when you put your hand on my stomach, but it feels as though he's happy..." You smiled.

Loki smiled happily and chuckled.

You followed Loki into the kitchen and suddenly felt dizzy, "Loki..." You muttered looking panicked.

"Yes darling..?" He asked looking at you curiously.

"I...I...I..." You suddenly fainted as Loki quickly caught you before you hit the floor.

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