Loki X Reader (Chapter 9)

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The elevator doors opened as you found yourself in the lobby.

You ran out of Stark Tower as fast as you could as suddenly you heard another loud explosion from the lobby, the front glass doors shattered as the strong air pushed you back making you fall backward.

You gasped covering your head, all you saw was rumble on fire all around you, your ears were ringing as you panted and gasped for air.

"God dammit! What the hell is going on!?" You screamed as your ears eventually stopped ringing.

"Come on! Show yourself whatever you are!" You screamed angrily.

Suddenly you heard footsteps behind you as you slowly turned around shaking from the adrenaline.

You saw Loki standing feet before you as you fell to your knees shaking badly.

"L-Loki...?" You asked as tears streamed down your cheeks, "Y-You d-did this...? You killed all those innocent people!" You cried.

Loki looked at you sadly.

Your body was still in shock as you tried to get up but couldn't, "P-Please help me Loki..." You begged.

Loki shook his head, his eyes filled with regret.

"Loki please!" You cried as tears streamed down your cheeks, You tried to stop your body from shaking but couldn't.

Loki shook his head again.

You eventually got up and slowly walked toward Loki, "I bloody hate you!" You screamed in Loki's face.

Loki slapped you as you fell to the ground whimpering.

"L-Loki...?" You looked at him surprised as he just walked away from you, you slowly got up and followed him, "Don't you dare walk away from me Loki!" You shouted angrily wincing in pain a bit.

Loki turned around and slapped you again, this time when you fell he held you down with the tip of his scepter.

You looked at Loki hurt as your cheeks were now soaked with tears, "I-I actually thought for once.... that you weren't what people said you were.... I thought you were sweet and caring and loving.... but your not.... your a monster..." You cried.

Loki growled angrily, "Shut up you pathetic mortal! How dare you talk to your ruler like that!" Loki shouted.

You slowly backed away from him sobbing and whimpering as Loki sighed looking down and walking away.

You watched Loki leave as you just lay there closing your eyes tightly wishing that this would just all end.

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