Loki X Reader (Chapter 93)

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Thor appeared in Asgard with Mikayla, Mikayla screamed pushing Thor away from her and backing away looking absoulutely terrified, Mikayla fell to the floor as she looked around, Mikayla looked up at Thor as she saw two guards walk up to her.

"Do not touch her, she is daughter of _______ and Loki" Thor said sternly.

The guards nodded their heads walking away.

"Come on hunny" Thor said.

Mikayla looked at Thor confused as she backed away from him looking for a place to hide, Mikayla shook, "B-B-Bruc-cie..." Mikayla muttered softly as tears clouded in her eyes.

Loki came up behind Thor, "Thor where have you been?" Loki asked.

"Come on hunny" Thor grabbed Mikayla.

Mikayla punched Thor screaming at him, Mikayla saw Loki as she squeaked but looking at him curiously.

Loki sighed sadly, "Thor who is this?" Loki asked crossing his arms.

Thor grabbed Mikayla by the back of her shirt lifting her up off the floor as if Mikayla was the baby kitten and Thor was her mother, "It's Mikayla!" Thor smiled.

Loki sighed, "You know you disgust me when you make jokes like that!" Loki growled angrily.

"It's not a joke... It's Mikayla... I don't know how but Bruce brought her back" Thor smiled.

"Stop it!" Loki cried.

Mikayla flinched, "B-Brucie..." Mikayla whimpered.

"Mikayla! Don't you remember you father Loki?!" Thor shouted.

Mikayla began sobbing as she tried her best to make Thor let go of her.

"How does she know Bruce? Who is she Thor?" Loki asked looking down sadly.

"Bruce brought Mikayla back! He made her older! Please I swear to god Loki this is your daughter!" Thor shouted.

Mikayla continued sobbing as she kicked Thor in the place where it hurt most.

Thor fell to his knees dropping Mikayla.

Mikayla tackled Thor punching him and screaming at him.

Loki quickly pulled Mikayla off of Thor.

Mikayla screamed as she tackled Loki, when she touched Loki, instead of her bright emerald green eyes sparkled in the light, her eyes turned blood red and her pale skin turned an icy blue.

Loki gasped but smiled happily.

Mikayla looked at herself and squeaked backing away.

Thor grabbed Mikayla by her long black hair about to hit her with his hammer, but stopped realizing Mikayla was in Frost Giant form, "See! She is your daughter!" Thor shouted.

Loki slapped Thor, "Let go of her Thor!" Loki growled grabbing Mikayla and holding her close.

Mikayla pushed Loki away looking scared, "B-Brucie..." Mikayla sniffled.

"Darling, I'm your father..." Loki smiled happily as he gently grasped Mikayla's hand kissing her nose, Loki's eyes turned blood red and his skin turned an icy blue, "See..." Loki smiled.

Mikayla gasped poking Loki's cheek and looking at him curiously.

Loki chuckled, "I'm your father..." Loki smiled happily as a few tears managed to stream down his cheeks, "Oh I missed you so much..." Loki whispered to Mikayla.

Mikayla didn't understand much English as she just nodded her head.

You suddenly came out in Loki's dress shirt and a small pair of lacy underwear, "Loki please come back to bed with me" You begged sighing sadly, you felt so lonely and so hurt from your little girl dying.

"Darling... there is no reason to be sad anymore..." Loki smiled happily as he gently pushed Mikayla toward you.

You looked up seeing a girl that looked almost exactly like Loki but she had your nose and your mouth, "I-Is that...? N-No... s-she's not real..." You quickly turned away as tears streamed down your cheeks.

"Yes she is darling, she's back, Dr. Banner brought her back" Loki smiled happily as he turned back to normal as so did Mikayla.

You turned and looked at Loki than looked at Mikayla, "No... it can't be..." You gently pulled Mikayla into your arms looking at her closely.

Mikayla looked at you but then looked down.

You smiled happily, "Oh my sweetie!" You smiled happily kissing your daughter's cheeks holding her close.

Mikayla pushed you away looking at you confused, Mikayla fall back onto her bottom as she looked at everyone scared, "W-W-Where a-am I-I?" Mikayla muttered softly.

"You’re in Asgard..." Loki smiled as he went to go help Mikayla up but Mikayla screamed kicking him.

"B-B-Brucie... B-Br-rucie..." Mikayla muttered as she crawled around looking for Bruce, Mikayla began sobbing, "Brucie..." Mikayla cried.

"Thor... bring Bruce here... I think that's the only way she'll talk to us..." Loki said looking at Thor.

"Loki, she is our daughter, she should know us..." You kneeled down in front of Mikayla, "I am your mother..." You said pointing at yourself.

Loki looked at you worried but kneeled down in front of Mikayla as well, "I am your father..." Loki said pointing at himself and smiling at Mikayla.

Mikayla was so overwhelmed she just backed away from you and Loki crying even more.

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