Loki X Reader (Chapter 33)

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You saw four Frost Giants walking toward you, "L-loki..." You muttered holding his arm firmly, "I cannot be the Tesseract now... I just want to be a normal girl that lives in New York that's in love with the God Of Mischief..." You muttered sighing sadly.

"Shhh, don't worry darling, everything will be okay" Loki whispered to you.

You turned looking at Loki hugging him tightly, "Loki..." You muttered softly as tears streamed down your cheeks.

"Can't we just go back home and pretend were normal everyday humans...?" You asked softly.
Suddenly one of the Frost Giants grabbed Loki.

You growled angrily, your eyes glowing a bright icy blue, "Let. Him. Go! Now!" You growled putting your hand up as suddenly the Frost Giants turned to ash.

"Loki..." You muttered falling to your knees feeling weak.

Loki quickly ran to your side, "Shhh.." Loki gently put your head to his chest as he held you close, Loki kissed your head as he looked at Odin worried.
"________?" Odin asked.

"No, that's enough! We will continue this ceremony later, you must let _______ rest" Loki said picking you up and carrying you to his room.

"Loki... there was no need to shout at your father like that..." You muttered softly.
"I'm sorry my darling... I was only trying to protect you..." Loki said as he brought you into his room gently sitting you on his bed.

Loki walked over to the doors closing them and locking them.

"Why are you locking the doors...?" You asked softly.

"To make it more private... I do not want Thor or Odin walking in on us..." Loki muttered as he walked over to you.

You looked down, "Loki? What did you mean by the Tesseract is within me now...?" You asked.

Loki gently lifted your chin, "That is a conversation for later my darling..." Loki said as he kissed you passionately.

You gently pushed him away, "No, this is a conversation for now" You let out a slight growl.

Loki nodded his head quickly as if he were almost scared of you.

You sighed sadly as tears began to stream down your cheeks, "Your scared of me now, aren't you? Because I'm a freak that can destroy the world just by a snap of a finger! I didn't want to possess the power of the Tesseract Loki!" You shouted angrily.

"Darling... Please calm down" Loki begged.

"Just bloody admit it! Your scared of me!" You screamed angrily.

Loki quickly stood, "No! I am not scared of you! I am simply trying to protect you! I love you and I care about you and if anything ever happened to you! I'd kill myself!" Loki shouted.

You gasped and went silent.

"Don't you ever think I would be scared of you" Loki growled.

You growled angrily slapping Loki but before you could slap him he grabbed you pinning you against the wall, you screamed angrily pushing Loki away, you clenched your fist about to strike Loki.

Loki fell to his knees, "No! Please... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to shout..." Loki muttered.

You kept noticing Loki staring at your eyes scared as you took a deep breathe kneeling down in front of him.

"W-What's wrong with my eyes...?" You asked looking a bit worried.

"When your angry your eyes go a bright icy blue..." Loki muttered.

Your eyes faded back to normal, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to get angry..." You muttered softly looking down.

Loki hugged you, "It's okay my darling" Loki smiled at you lovingly as he picked you up and gently lay you on the bed.

You looked at Loki curiously as you looked away from him blushing.

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