Loki X Reader (Chapter 18)

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Hours later

Loki had finally finished painting you, he smiled happily and covered it with a sheet, "You can see it tomorrow, okay?" Loki said as he put his paint brush down.

"Okay..."  You smiled a bit than yawned tiredly.

"Perhaps you should get some rest my love, it is quite late" Loki said as he quickly cleaned himself up than walked toward you.

You yawned again, "I want to cuddle with you though" You smiled at him cutely.

Loki chuckled as he laid down beside you, you took off Loki's dress shirt and wrapped a fur blanket around you and snuggled up to Loki kissing his cheek, "nighty night..." You muttered gently resting your head on his chest.

Loki's cheeks went completely red as he wrapped his arms around you holding you close.
Both you and Loki fell sound asleep in each others arms, Loki didn't dare to let go of you, he held you close for the whole night.

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