Loki X Reader (Chapter 19)

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The Next morning

You slowly opened your eyes and noticed Loki was not awake yet, You slowly pulled away from Loki's grasp slipping Loki's dress shirt back on, You tried your best not to wake Loki as you sneaked out of the room and down in the dungeon.

A guard stopped you, "Hault!" He growled.

You punched the guard knocking him out cold, "I'm not in the mood for you okay, I'm cranky in the morning" You growled at the guards unconscious body on the ground.

"________?" Tony asked from behind bars as he smiled happily, he suddenly noticed all you were wearing was a white dress shirt and tiny lace underwear as he smirked.

"Hello _______" Tony winked at you.

You rolled your eyes, "Shut it Tony" You giggled.

"So are you going to get us out?" Captain America asked.

You sighed shaking your head, "What?! Why not?!" Thor growled at you.

"Because I do not want to get Loki angry and if I one of you get him angry he will hurt the people in this city even more, I am trying my best to find out who has put Loki up to this, I know that he's not causing all this chaos on his own" You said.

"No one has put him up to this ______! He caused this all my himself! Now let us out!" The Black Widow growled.

"Maybe ______ is right, Loki could not do all this on his own, someone has to be helping him" Thor said.

You smiled a bit, "Thank you Thor" You smirked, "Now once I have found out who is helping Loki, I will try my best to try and change his mind"  You said.

The Avengers nodded there heads and sighed.

You walked out out of the dungeon, suddenly you noticed Loki standing in the dungeon entrance as he crossed his arms growling.

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