LokiXReader (Chapter 80)[She doesn't deserve this]

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Thor walked into Odin's room, he bowed at the sight of his father and smiled
"Father, may I speak with you? It is urgent" Thor said.

Odin turned looking at Thor, Odin nodded his head looking at Thor wondering what was so important, "What is it, my son?" Odin asked.

"It's about ______" Thor said.

Odin sighed, "She is in jail my son because she destroyed Jotuhiem and damaged the Bifrost..." Odin said, "The people of Asgard would not let me let her go with out punishment..." Odin said.

"But think of all the good things she's done father" Thor smiled.

"Yes she has done many good things my son, but... the people of Asgard could cause much trouble if I do not punish her...." Odin sighed.

"But she didn't do it, Loki did!" Thor shouted but quickly looked away not meaning to say that.

Odin looked at Thor, "What?" Odin looked at Thor surprised.

Thor smiled innocently, "Loki destroyed Jotuhiem!?" Odin growled.

Thor sighed and nodded his head.

"Bring me Loki and set _________ free!" Odin shouted angrily.

Thor nodded his head as he bowed and walked away.

Thor ran to Asgardian jail setting you free as he grabbed your arm throwing you into Loki's room.

"Thor what is going on!?" You asked looking at Thor worried.

Loki quickly put his little girl down on the bed as he looked at Thor curiously, "Thor what is going on?" Loki asked.

Thor grabbed Loki, "I'm so sorry..." Thor muttered as he dragged Loki to Odin's room.

Loki looked at Thor confused.

Thor through Loki into Odin's room as he sighed walking in closing the door behind him.

Loki stood looking at Thor than to Odin, "Someone please tell me what's going on" Loki begged.

"You destroyed Jotunhiem and damaged the Bifrost!" Odin shouted.

Loki looked at Odin than looked down sighing, "Yes... I did..." Loki muttered.

"And you let your wife take the blame!?" Odin shouted.

"She wouldn't let me take the blame, she didn't want me to go to jail..." Loki muttered looking up at Odin.

"No! I am not making you go to jail! I am going to give you a true punishment!" Odin shouted.

Loki looked at Odin worried.

"You shall be bound to a rock and have serpents poison dripped on your body!" Odin growled.

Loki sighed looking down sadly.

"Take him away!" Odin shouted as two guards grabbed Loki dragging him out of the room.

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