Loki X Reader (Chapter 42)

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"Well explain already!" Black Widow growled, "Hey... calm down Tasha..." Hawkeye kissed Black Widow's cheek.

"Where do you want me to start...?" You muttered softly thinking to yourself for a moment.

"Just tell us a brief short story" Bruce said.

"Um... okay... well... Odin told me that I was the protector of the Tesseract... than well... there was a Ceremony in Asgard... Teseract somehow got inside my body and know we are one... me and Loki are now engaged... we um... yeah... King Laufey wants our Jotun child and If I do not give him the child he will destroy Midgard and Asgard..." You smiled innocently.

The Avengers looked at you and laughed.

"You were in bed... with Loki?" Tony laughed at you.

You sighed, "There's just no talking to you stupid human beings..." You muttered softly as you walked upstairs walking into your room slamming the door.

"Did you guys really have to be that mean to her?" Bruce let out a slight growl.

Loki sighed, "You humans will never understand us gods and great beings... haven't you learned to just leave us alone, if we choose to protect you like Thor has... it is a great gift and you should cherish that forever in your hearts!" Loki shouted walking upstairs.

"I partly agree with my brother..." Thor muttered.

Nick Fury crossed his arms glaring at Thor.

"Give her some space... She's overwhelmed okay... one moment she's a small town girl who was one of The Avengers great friends and now all of a sudden she is the Tesseract..." Thor said.

"I agree with Thor... we should give her some space..." Bruce and Tony said looking at Nick Fury.

"Yeah... me too... I can understand how she's overwhelmed... I kinda went through the same thing when I was frozen" Captain America said.

Hawkeye and Black Widow looked at each other, Black Widow shook her head as Hawkeye shrugged his shoulders, "I think we should still do a few tests on her... I mean... maybe we could train her or something... so she ya'know... doesn't destroy us all" Hawkeye chuckled.

"This isn't a choke Barton! She is dangerous!" Nick Fury said sternly.

"You just want her so you can make her into a weapon... a weapon to destroy me in case I get out of hand..." Bruce said looking at Nick Fury growling a bit.

"Look if Dr. Banner were to get out of hand... I'm sure we could put him somewhere where he can't hurt anyone..." Tony said.

"No matter where Dr. Banner is, he can still hurt someone!" Nick Fury said sternly.

Bruce sighed and looked down, "So your not even giving me a chance... you just want to destroy me and get it over with...? Yeah that's nice..." Bruce said as he walked into the kitchen.

Tony quickly followed Bruce into the Kitchen.

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