Loki X Reader (Chapter 85)

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You and Bruce sat down on the grass, Bruce looked around curiously looking at the beautiful trees and flowers around him.

"I want you to think of a happy place and once you have... I want you to tell me what it is..." You muttered softly.

"And how come you know about all this...?" Bruce asked.

"Because I was a troubled teenager with anger issues okay... plus it helped me with controlling my powers..." You replied, "Now think of your happy place and tell me what it is..." You muttered softly.

Bruce sighed and closed his eyes, "I don't understand how thinking of a happy place is going to help me?" Bruce muttered as he slowly opened his eyes.

"What's your happy place?" You asked Bruce.

"I uh... rather not say..." Bruce muttered.

"Bruce just tell me" You let out a slight growl getting a bit annoyed.

"When I uh... kissed you..." Bruce mumbled.

"Uh right... now uh... keep that thought in your mind" You said, "So how have you been?" You asked.

"Uh... good, I've mostly been working on stuff for Tony, helping him with projects and stuff..." Bruce muttered.

"Yeah, long story with me..." You smiled for Bruce and suddenly slapped him.

Bruce looked at you, "Again, how is this supposed to help?" Bruce asked looking at you.

"Well you didn't Hulk out that time..." You smiled.

Bruce looked at you strangely, "Well yeah not that time... it's not like your going to punch me or something..." Bruce muttered.

You suddenly punched Bruce, "How have the projects been going?" You asked.

Bruce backed away from you wincing.

"Bruce... don't let the anger take over you!" You said looking a bit worried.

Bruce clenched his fists wincing again.

You quickly crawled over to Bruce lifting his head so he was looking at you, "Come on Bruce... listen to my voice, come on" You said gently stroking Bruce's hair.

Bruce wrapped his arms around your waist and gently putting his forehead to your chest.

"Bruce I don't think your going to find anything in there that's going to help..." You muttered pulling Bruce's head back, you saw that Bruce's eyes were bright green.

Bruce growled at you angrily.

"Bruce...?" You looked at him worried as you hugged him tightly, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you angry, I was just trying to help you get over your anger..." You muttered softly.

Bruce's grip around your waist got tighter and tighter.

"B-Bruce..." You squeaked wincing in pain, your eyes began to glow a bright blue as your tried to push Bruce away but couldn't.

Bruce growled angrily as his skin began to turn a tinge of green.

"Bruce!" You screamed digging your nails into his arms and glaring at him angrily.

Bruce eventually turned into The Hulk, The Hulk through you across the room making you fall back into the wall and fall to the floor.

You got up growling angrily, "You don't want to make me angry!" You growled as your whole body was glowing a bright florescent blue, you levitated off the ground glaring at The Hulk.

The Hulk roared at you clenching his fist and striking you making you smash back into the wall.

You growled getting up off the ground once more.

The Hulk grabbed you throwing you to the ground.

You couldn't get up as you turned back to normal, "Brucie... please that's enough..." You muttered softly.

The Hulk grabbed you throwing you through a window.

You fell onto the floor in the hallway groaning in pain, the side of your head bleeding, "Brucie please stop..." You begged.

The Hulk grabbed you again smashing you into the ground roaring at you angrily, The Hulk than stomped on you, The Hulk lifted his foot to look at you, The Hulk saw that you weren't moving as he carefully picked you up.

"________?" He asked holding you in his arms and looking at you worried.

The Hulk sighed sadly, "Hulk sorry.... Hulk didn't mean to hurt _______" The Hulk said gently stroking your hair.

The Hulk carefully brought you up to Tony as when he couldn't fit through the doorway he smashed his way through.

"Hulk didn't mean to hurt _________" The Hulk said.

Tony and Loki turned looking at The Hulk.

Loki quickly took you in his arms bringing you over to the couch, "Darling please wake up..." You begged.

You still didn't move.

"Darling please!" Loki begged as tears began clouding in his eyes.

The Hulk roared at you.

Your eyes shot up as you gasped looking at Loki and moaned in pain, "Loki...?" You muttered softly.

Loki hugged you tightly kissing you passionately.

"Loki... owwie..." You muttered softly.

The Hulk looked at you sadly before walking back into the lab and turning back to normal.

"What did that monster do to you?" Loki asked looking at you worried.

"Loki I'm fine...." You muttered softly.

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