Loki X Reader (Chapter 88)

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You were roaming the empty streets of New York when you heard someone walk up behind you, you just kept walking not daring to look behind you, you were far to upset and embarrassed.

You suddenly felt someone grab you arm as you turned around slapping whoever the person was.

Loki stumbled backward, "Come on... my face is bruised up enough..." Loki muttered holding his cheek.

"Loki... don't do that..." You muttered softly looking down and sighing.

Loki walked into the light as you saw that Loki's face was all bruised up.

You gasped and quickly walked up to Loki looked at him worryingly, "Loki? What happened?" You asked.

"Me and Thor got into another fight..." Loki muttered.

"What?!" You put your hand to Loki's cheek kissing his forehead.

Loki's bruises suddenly disappeared, Loki smiled kissing you passionately.

You gasped staring at Loki.

"What?" Loki asked looking at you worried.

"Oh nothing..." You muttered softly smiling innocently, "Well uh... we should probably get back to Stark Tower..." You said.

"Yes we should... but first... I want to say sorry darling" Loki said wrapping his arms around your waist and taking your mask off.

"Loki... it's fine.." You sighed.

"No... I didn't mean to embarrass you like that, I just got jealous when I saw you with Thor" Loki muttered, "It's just I want you to be mine and only mine" Loki said.

You blushed and smiled, "Loki... I am yours and always will be, and you will be mine" You smirked kissing Loki passionately.

Loki smiled picking you up and carrying you back to Stark Tower.

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