Loki X Reader (Chapter 98)

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“O-Oh… I am deeply sorry…” Mikayla muttered softly as she looked down nervously hoping she didn’t make the All-Father angry.

“There is no need to be afraid little one…” Odin said as he walked around Mikayla looking at her curiously, “You look just like your father” Odin smiled.

Mikayla smiled a bit, “Why thank you…” She muttered softly.

Odin knelt down in front of Mikayla, “I want to tell you something little one…” He smiled and gently grasped Mikayla’s hand, “I want you to be the Queen of Asgard… after your father of course…” Odin squeezed Mikayla’s hand gently.

“I don’t think I could rule Asgard…” Mikayla muttered softly.

“Yes you can dear… don’t worry…” Odin smiled for Mikayla.

“What about Thor…?” Mikayla asked.

“He’s not right for the throne… your father is and so are you…” Odin smiled cheerfully.
Mikayla smiled and hugged Odin.

“Ahaha! That’s my little niece…” Odin chuckled.

Mikayla looked up at Odin and smiled, she than got up and bowed and ran off to go tell her father the great news.

But when she arrived in Loki’s room she saw Loki on the floor barely breathing, his head was badly smashed, your mother, thankfully, was not in the room.

Mikayla rushed to her father’s side, “Daddy…” Mikayla cried.

“Shhh… I’m quite fine darling…” Loki muttered weakly.

“N-No you’re not okay!” Mikayla cried, tears streaming down her pale cheeks.

“No no… don’t cry my little angel…” He muttered.

Mikayla just ended up sobbing more as she gently grasped her father’s hand, Mikayla closed her eyes tightly begging and begging for her father to be okay.

When Mikayla opened her eyes, Loki was healed and perfectly fine, Mikayla than saw two guards grab Thor and drag him out of the room.

Loki sat up and smiled at Mikayla, “Are you okay my little angel?” He asked hugging her tightly.

Mikayla nodded and smiled at her father hugging back, she was so glad that her father was okay.

Loki smiled and kissed Mikayla’s forehead.

“What’s going to happen to Thor daddy?” Mikayla asked.

“He’s going to Asgardian prison darling” Loki smirked.

Mikayla sighed but just hugged her father tightly, “Daddy…. The All-Father told me that you are to be king now...” Mikayla muttered.

Loki shook his head, “I want you to rule my darling…” Loki whispered to Mikayla and smiled.

Mikayla looked at Loki and smiled happily kissing her father’s cheek.

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