Loki X Reader (Chapter 84)

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You saw Bruce holding your little girl close, she was sound asleep as you walked over to Bruce picking up your little girl and bringing her over to the bed where you gently lay her down.

"Sorry, she kind of fell asleep once I sung her a lullaby..." Bruce smiled innocently.

"Yeah.. the little thing probably needs some good rest from everything that's happened" You turned smiling at your little girl who snuggled up to the pillow.

"She's very cute..." Bruce smiled.

"Yes she is" You giggled and turned looking at Bruce.

Bruce wrapped his arms around your waist as he kissed your cheek.

You gently pulled away from Bruce blushing, "So uh... how have you been?" You asked looking at Bruce curiously.

"Missing you..." Bruce muttered softly.

"Bruce... Look... I'm sorry but I will be your best friend, but I cannot be your partner" You sighed looking down.

"But I don't want you to be my best friend I want you to be more than that" Bruce muttered.

"I cannot Bruce! I am married and have a child!" You shouted.

Bruce just got up walking away from you, Bruce looked as if he were about to cry, "Than why don't you just kill me...?" Bruce asked.

"Bruce... please don't say that..." You begged sitting down trying to hold back tears.

"Look... I know a way to help us both... I help you control your anger so S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't have to turn me into a weapon, than use that weapon to kill you" You said.

"And how are you going to help a big green monster control his anger?" Bruce asked turning and looking at you crossing his arms.

"I've done it before, I've helped you not change into a.... the other guy..." You said.

Bruce let out a slight growl turning away from you again.

"We can do some meditation... calming exercises..." You said getting up and walking toward Bruce, "I don't care if we have to cuddle or something... I don't want to be taken away from my daughter and I don't want you to die..." You muttered.

Bruce turned around looking at you, "How about kissing?" Bruce asked.

"Bruce!" You sighed.

Bruce chuckled, "I'm just kidding..." Bruce smiled a bit as he patted you on the head walking over to his desk.

You rolled your eyes giggling a bit, "So...?" You looked at Bruce curiously going on your tippy toes peeking over Bruce's shoulder.

"Sure... but I'm scared of hurting you..." Bruce muttered.

"Bruce you won't hurt me, don't worry, okay?" You smiled at Bruce slightly before pulling him out of the lab and toward Tony's indoor garden.

"What where are we going?" Bruce asked.

"I am going to start training you..." You smiled bringing Bruce into the indoor garden.

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