Loki X Reader (Chapter 46)

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You followed Tony into an elevator, "Loki's probably on the top floor talking with Thor or something..." Tony muttered as you noticed the red hand mark on his cheek.

"I didn't mean to hit you so hard..." You muttered softly kissing Tony's cheek and making the red mark go away.

Tony smiled at you slightly as the elevator door opened.

"Give it back!" Loki shouted angrily at Thor.

"Come on brother, I just want to look at it!" Thor shouted as he pushed Loki away from him smirking.

You walked up to Loki and Thor clearing your throat trying to get there attention.

Thor and Loki suddenly stopped and looked at you.

They both smiled innocently as Thor hid the tiny box behind his back.

"Thor give it back to Loki please..." You said rolling your eyes, "God I swear sometimes you both act like children..." You muttered softly.

Thor handed Loki the box, "I think you should give it to her now..." Thor whispered to Loki.

Loki smiled happily putting the box in his pocket.

Thor grabbed Tony pulling him toward the elevator, "We must go Tony!" Thor exclaimed as the elevator doors closed.

"Um..." You sighed turning and looking at Loki, you smiled happily running up to him and hugging him tightly, "Oh I missed you so much" You smiled at Loki lovingly.

Loki suddenly noticed what you were wearing as he gasped and took his cape off wrapping it around you.

You blushed and kissed Loki's cheek, "Thank you..." You smiled.

Loki smiled back, "I have something for you..." Loki said as he pulled a small box from his pocket, "I am deeply sorry for not giving it to you right after you said 'yes'... but well here..." Loki said handing the small box to you.

You smiled and opened the box finding a stunningly beautiful emerald ring inside the small box, tears clouded in your eyes as you gasped and covering your mouth.

Loki chuckled as he took the ring out of the box and put it on your finger, Loki kissed you passionately, "Do you like it?" Loki asked smiling.

"Loki... I love it!" You smiled hugging him tightly.

Loki smiled holding you close.

You looked up at Loki wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing Loki passionately.

Loki kissed back and slowly pulled away for a breathe, "I assume you like it" Loki smirked as he lovingly wrapped his arms around your waist.

You nodded your head giggling and blushing.

You jsut couldn't stop smiling as you looked down at your beautiful ring, the beautiful emerald sparkled in the light.

Loki gently wiped your tears as he kissed your forehead.

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