Loki X Reader (Chapter 31)

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Hours later

You awoke in a soft bed covered in fur, you moaned quietly slowly sitting up, your head was still throbbing from when Thor had struck you with his hammer as you rubbed the side of your head trying to ease the pain.

Suddenly you felt strong warm arms wrap around you as you gasped quickly pulling away trying to get out of bed but got tangled in the sheets making you fall face first into the floor.

"Oww...." You muttered softly as you felt someone help you up from behind.

"L-loki...?" You asked softly turning around but finding that someone gone, "L-Loki.... is that you?" You muttered looking on the bed seeing Loki's gold shinning helmet.

You walked over to the bed sitting down and picking up Loki's helmet gently sitting on your head, You couldn't help but smile as you got up looking in the mirror, You giggled cutely but found the helmet quite heavy.

"My god, how does Loki wear this thing?" You muttered softly, You were about to take off Loki's helmet when you saw Loki's reflection in the mirror, Loki was standing right behind you chuckling.

"What are you doing my dear?" Loki asked taking his helmet off your head and gently sitting it on the bed.

"Nothing..." You muttered smiling innocently.

Loki smiled and made you sit down on the bed, "You should not be walking around trying helmets on darling, you should be in bed resting..." Loki said sternly.

You stood, "Loki... I'm fine..." You said.

Loki put his hands on your shoulders forcing you to sit down again, "You must rest" Loki said sternly as he looked at the side of your head gasping, "H-how did you...? How did you heal so fast?" Loki asked looking at you curiously.

"W-What do you mean...?" You asked.

"Thor hit you with all his might, I'm surprised your still alive... but still, you should at least have a bruise or something... I mean.. no blood no nothing.... your perfectly fine..." Loki said, "Or are you perfectly fine?" Loki asked looking at you worried.

"Loki, I'm fine" You giggled kissing his cheek as you stood hugging him tightly.

"Thank you for saving me..." Loki smiled at you wrapping his arms around your waist.

"No problem" You smiled back.

Loki looked at you strangely as he just kissed you passionately, "Are you sure your okay?" Loki asked.

"Yes Loki... I swear I am fine..." You said kissing back.

Suddenly Asgardian guards burst into the room dragging you out of the room in a hurry.
"Loki!" You screamed.

"The All-father must speak with you right away!" The guards exclaimed as they dragged you toward the All-father's chambers.

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