Loki X Reader (Chapter 48)

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You and Loki, and The Hulk walked out of the building, heavily armed S.H.I.E.L.D agents stood around you, Loki, And The Hulk pointing there guns at you.

"Stay where you are!" The agents said strictly.

The Hulk roared angrily.

You quickly ran in front of The Hulk, your eyes turned a bright glowing blue as you smiled at the agents innocently.

"Put your guns down..." You smirked as the agents listened to you as if they were under a spell.

The agents put there guns down.

"Now walk back into the building and I want you to forget that we were ever here" You smiled.

The agents did as they closed the doors behind them.

You smirked as your eyes faded back to normal, you felt a bit dizzy as you wobbled and fell to your knees.

Loki quickly caught you and gently picked you up holding you in his arms.

The Hulk looked at you worried.

"You realize you can't do those kind of things when we live together and start to act like regular everyday humans" Loki chuckled.

"Yeah... I know..." You muttered softly, "Oh... tell Hulkie... that I'll call him once were settled... also tell him that I'll explain everything to him once we get um... to you know where..." You muttered.

"Right..." Loki muttered.

The Hulk nodded his head and ran off.

"I think he heard you" Loki chuckled as he held you close, "So how are we going to get to London, England?" Loki asked as he began walking down the long road.

"We could just transport there... you know... in an alley or something... but uh... we need to find you some human clothes..." You giggled.

"Great idea" Loki smiled as you both disappeared.

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