Loki X Reader (Chapter 78)

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A few days had passed

Thor had decided to give you a visit, the guards let him in a cell as Thor turned looking at the guards.

"I wish to be left alone with _______" Thor said sternly.

The guards nodded there head and left.
You looked at Thor curiously as you stood putting your book down, "Yes?" You asked.

"You didn't destroy Jotuhiem, did you?" Thor said crossing his arms.

You sighed, "No I didn't destroy Jotuhiem, Loki did... but I'm not letting him go to jail, he's taking care of our daughter..." You said.

"But you do realize that there not going to let you out of jail" Thor said looking at you worried.

You looked at Thor surprised, "No, that can't be true..." You muttered.

Thor sighed and walked up to you, "Perhaps I can help you" Thor smiled gently moving your hair out of your face.

"What do you mean?" You asked looking at Thor curiously.

Thor smirked, "I think you know what I have in mind" Thor smiled wrapping his arms around your waist.

You pushed Thor away, "I'm married Thor!" You shouted.

"I will persuade my father to let you go, but only if you come with me" Thor smiled.

"Thor... why I thought you were going to stop developing feelings for me...?" You asked looking at Thor confused.

"I could never stop loving you" Thor smiled at you.

"What if I say no?" You asked Thor.

Thor chuckled, "I'll make sure Odin will never ever think of letting out of here" Thor smirked.

"You promise to make sure Loki does not find out..." You muttered softly.

"Yes I promise..." Thor muttered.

"T-Than... I'll do it..." You muttered softly.

"Guards!" Thor called smirking.

The guards quickly walked into the room bowing and looking at Thor waiting for his command.

"I wish to bring ________ for a walk, than I shall return her here" Thor said.

The guards nodded there heads and let you walk out with Thor.

Thor snuck you back into the Asgardian Kingdom leading you to his room, Thor closed the door behind him locking it as he than uncuffed you.

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