Loki X Reader (Chapter 62)

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"I want you to wear your favorite outfit okay, and it doesn't matter if we look like freaks okay?' Loki smiled walking into his own closet.

You smiled and nodded your head as you got dressed in your favorite outfit which was your beautiful blue dress that you wore at the ceremony in Asgard, you walked out of your closet and smiled as you saw Loki walk out of his closet.

Loki was wearing his casual battle suit as he smiled innocently, "How about we look like we used to when we met, just this once... okay?" Loki smiled as he snapped his fingers.

Loki's hair suddenly grew black and long, Loki slicked it back as he smirked.

You smiled and snapped your fingers, your hair turned back to how it was when you first met Loki, you blushed smiling at Loki happily.

Loki led you into the living room.

"Shall we say our vows?" Loki asked.

"Uh... sure..." You muttered softly.

"Okay um... I'll go first" Loki chuckled, Loki was silent a moment but then spoke.

"I, Loki Laufeyson, take _____________  _____________ to be my lovely wife, my true love and the most important women in my life, I would be lost without you by my side, and would be forever broken without you darling, I love thee today, tomorrow and forever, where ever you shall go, I will be by your side to protect you, wherever you shall stay, I shall stay, I solemnly swear on these vows" Loki said.

A few tears managed to stream down your cheeks as you smiled happily.

"I, ______________  ____________ promise to love you, Loki Laufeyson, I shall keep you closest in my heart until end of time itself, I promise to be the most wonderful wife I can be, I ask nothing except the fact that you love me and desire only me as I will love and desire only you" You smiled.

Loki took two gold rings out of his pocket as he smiled at you.

Loki took one the rings and gently slipped it onto your finger, "I give you this ring, as a token of my unconditional love for you, let it show the endless love and passion I feel for you" Loki smiled.

You took the other golden ring and slit it onto Loki's finger, "I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love and unconditional passion for you, let it show the endless love and passion I feel for you" You said smiling at Loki brightly.

"I love you..." Loki smiled happily, "I love you too" You replied.

Loki smiled and gently pressed his lips against yours, Loki wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer.

You both slowly pulled your lips away from each other, you both blushed and smiled.

Loki gently moved your hair out of your face as suddenly your bright blue dress turned to a dark green, "You are now mine" Loki smiled happily lovingly grasping your hand.

You blushed and smiled, "Our marriage is now official" You smiled and kissed Loki one more time.

Loki snapped his fingers as he turned back to his normal human form as so did you.

You hugged Loki tightly smiling happily as Loki chuckled and smiled.

"Come on darling... we should probably get some rest" Loki smiled as he picked you up carrying you into the bed, he gently lay you down as he than lay next to you pulling you close and wrapping a blanket around you both.

"Goodnight my wonderful husband" You smiled kissing Loki's cheek.

"Goodnight my beautiful wife" Loki smiled kissing your forehead.

You both soon fell sound asleep in each others arms not letting go of each other for the whole night.

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