Loki X Reader (Chapter 52)

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"I'm not quite sure about this..." Loki muttered softly as you both walked up to a British lady at a desk, the lady looked up at you and smiled but when she looked at Loki she gave him a strange look.

"I'm trying to find my boyfriend some colored contacts and maybe even some reading glasses" You smiled at the lady sweetly.

"Well... let me see what I can find hunny" The lady smiled as she walked into a back room.

A few moments later

The lady walked out of the room with trays of glasses and a few boxes of different colored contacts.

"So... sir, your eyes are a rather bright emerald green... so I think perhaps a bright grey would look brilliant" The lady smiled, "Or perhaps even a bright icy blue would look fantastic" The lady said as she handed Loki some boxes of contacts.

Loki looked at the boxes curiously but just smiled a bit.

"After a few hours or so of wearing them they should fit to your eyes perfectly... and about the reading glasses, I have a few black and dark brown pairs that you might like..." The lady smiled and handed Loki a pair of black glasses.

Loki tried them on and looked at you smiling.

You thought Loki looked nerdy but very adorable as you smiled and kissed his cheek, "Their perfect!" You giggled cutely.

Loki smiled and chuckled taking them off and sitting them down on the table, "I think we shall um... take the glasses... and the contacts ma'am" Loki smiled as the lady blushed finding Loki kind of cute.

You couldn't help but gently pull Loki toward you smiling at the lady, "Yes that will be all" You smirked.

After you and Loki walked out of the shop and looked at Loki eying him up and down.
"We should get something to eat.... and after... we should do something about your hair..." You smiled and pulled Loki into a tea shop.

"What's wrong with my hair...?" Loki asked pouting.

"Well it doesn't necessarily look normal Loki... I have to change my appearance too you know..." You sighed but smiled.

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