Loki X Reader (Chapter 44)

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Hours later

You slowly opened your eyes, you saw nothing but white bright lights as you groaned blinking a bit, you tried to sit up but couldn't as you looked around finding yourself strapped to a metallic table.

"W-W-Where... a-am... I-I?" You muttered weakly.

You turned your head to the right seeing a female nurse standing beside you putting a clear liquid into a needle, you looked a bit worried as you turned your head to the left seeing a male doctor standing above you.

You were hooked up to an I.V as you look around worryingly.

"W-W-Where a-am I-I!?" You growled trying to free yourself form the straps.

"Hold her down!" The Doctor shouted as a couple of nurses tried to hold you down but you freed your self from the straps pushing the nurses away from you.

You winced when you tried to stand up as you felt the side of your head, you felt needles driven into the side of your head as you screamed pulling them out.

"Where am I!" You screamed angrily as the nurses looked at you scared.

You pulled the needles out of your wrists and neck, you screamed in pain looking around the room.

"Fine! If you won't tell me where am I am, what were you going to do to me?" You growled at the nurse carefully getting up off the metallic table.

You looked down realizing that all you were wearing was small boxer shorts and a tube top.

"W-We...W-We were just going to do some tests on you miss..." The nurse muttered.

You looked deeply into the nurses eyes snarling at her, "Your lying..." You grabbed the nurse pulling her to her feet.

"I-I'm sorry... please don't kill me!" The Nurse begged as she began sobbing.

"I'm not going to hurt you... I just want to know where I am..." You said sternly.

"Your at S.H.I.E.L.D HQ and we were just about to do some tests! That's all! I swear!" The Nurse cried.

You let go of the nurse, "which way to S.H.I.E.L.D's lab?" You asked.

"Straight down the hallway... f-first door on your right..." The Nurse stuttered.

"Thank you Susie...." You smiled and bowed and ran out of the room and running down the long hallway as fast as you could.

The Nurse gasped looking at you surprised as she helped the Doctor up, "You gave her wrong directions..." The Doctor muttered as the nurse smirked, "I know..." The nurse said.

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