Loki X Reader (Chapter 23)

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When the light disappeared You found yourself in Loki's room, "Loki...?" You muttered softly as you quickly got into Loki's bed wrapping fur blankets around you, you were nervous and scared about what Odin said.

Loki suddenly appeared feet away from you.

Tears streamed down your cheeks as you tried to hide the fact that you were crying.

"_______....? What happened?" Loki asked concerned as he climbed onto the bed sitting in front of you.

"Odin... I don't believe what he said about me..." You muttered.

"What did the All-father say darling...?" Loki asked worryingly as he gently wiped your tears pulling you into his loving embrace.

"H-He told me I was the protector of the Tesseract...." You muttered.

Loki looked at you surprised but kissed you forehead.

"Hunny, Maybe you should go back to the All-father and listen more to what the All-father has to say..." Loki said.

You gently pulled away from Loki, "But I don't want to go back...." You muttered.

"______... You have to listen to what the All-father has to say... darling if you are the true protector of the Tesseract than that is a wonderful gift and you should treasure it dearly" Loki said.

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