Loki X Reader (Chapter 92)

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Mikayla sat on the bed as she looked around curiously, Bruce walked over to her and sat across from her.

"I'm going to teach you parts of the body..." Bruce said.

Mikayla looked at Bruce a bit confused.

"I am a man, and my name is Bruce" Bruce said pointing at himself, "And you are a women, and your name is Mikayla" Bruce said.

"B-Bruce... T-The m-man..." Mikayla said pointing at Bruce, "I-I am a women... a-and m-my name is M-Mikayla..." Mikayla muttered.

Bruce smiled nodded his head.

"Eyes..." Bruce said pointing at his eyes than Mikayla's eyes.

"E-Eyes..." Mikayla muttered softly pointing at her own eyes.

Bruce nodded his head, "Nose..." Bruce said pointing at his nose.

"N-Nose..." Mikayla pointed at her nose.

Bruce chuckled as he than pointed at his mouth, "Mouth..." Bruce said.

"M-Mouth...?" Mikayla muttered touching her lips.

Bruce nodded his head, "Your doing great" Bruce gave Mikayla a thumbs up.

Tony suddenly walked into the room, "So hows the teaching going?" Tony asked looking at Bruce and taking a sip of his scotch.

"It's going good" Bruce said.

Mikayla giggled as she bopped Bruce's nose and giggled.

Tony chuckled, "Thor's here... And uh... I think he might recognize Mikayla so you might want to hide her..." Tony said.

Bruce sighed as he helped Mikayla up, "You have to be quiet..." Bruce said gently pushing her into the closet.

Mikayla looked at Bruce curiously but sat down sighing.

Bruce closed the closet doors just as Thor walked into the room.

"May I see the body?" Thor asked looking down sadly as he took off his helmet looking at Bruce.

"I can't let you..." Bruce muttered softly.

"Why not?" Thor asked.

"I-I uh... I disposed of it..." Bruce muttered.

"Disposed of it?! Did you just throw the body in the trash?! Show me the body!" Thor cried.

"I can't..." Bruce sighed.

"Why not!?" Thor growled angrily.

Mikayla suddenly stepped out of the closet, "N-No m-more..." Mikayla covered her ears not wanting to hear anymore yelling.

"You weren't supposed to come out..." Bruce sighed.

"S-Sorry..." Mikayla muttered softly as she looked down sadly.

"Who's that? She looks like...." Thor gasped walking up to Mikayla as he cupped her cheeks, "Oh Mikayla!" Thor smiled happily hugging her tightly.

Mikayla looked up at Thor curiously as she tried to pull away.

"I thought she was dead! And she's so much older! And she looks so much like Loki!" Thor smiled kissing Mikayla's forehead.

"Have you told ________ and Loki?" Thor asked looking at Bruce.

"Leave..." Bruce said sternly.

"Have you told them that Mikayla is alive?" Thor asked.

"I said leave now..." Bruce growled.

"You haven't told them... haven't you? You want to keep her and raise her yourself! Well that's not your damn choice Dr. Banner!" Thor shouted angrily at Bruce.

Bruce turned away wincing as his eyes turned a tinge of green.

"She is ________ and Loki's daughter! Not yours!" Thor shouted.

Bruce screamed angrily at Thor as he winced falling to the floor, Bruce clenched his fists as his skin were now a bright green.

"We're leaving!" Thor growled grabbing Mikayla.

Mikayla began crying as she pushed Thor away falling backward, she backed away from Thor hiding behind the bed sobbing, Mikayla was so overwhelmed by all the yelling as she just covered her head.

"No hunny, please don't cry..." Thor begged.

Bruce roared turning into The Hulk as he grabbed Thor throwing him out the window.
Mikayla screamed hiding under the bed.

The Hulk roared angrily but sighed panting heavily looking around the room, The Hulk sighed as he gently lifted the bed seeing Mikayla sobbing, The Hulk gently took Mikayla in his hands.

Mikayla gasped as she stared at The Hulk sniffling.

The Hulk gently moved her hair out of her face as he smiled at her.

Mikayla blushed not looking scared at all as she kissed The Hulk's cheek hugging him tightly.

The Hulk smiled holding her close.

Thor suddenly grabbed Mikayla and hit The Hulk with his mighty hammer and disappearing with Mikayla.

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