Loki X Reader (Chapter 4)

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You got up grabbing your back as Loki stood awkwardly looking down as you followed Thor out of the house and toward Stark Tower.

About a half an hour later

You and Thor arrived at Stark Tower as you walked into the lab finding Tony and Bruce fighting about some randomly science stuff that you didn't seem much to care about.

"So why am I here?" You asked as Tony and Bruce when silent and turned looking at you.

"Well? Spit it out boys" You said crossing your arms.

"Um... we need your help... with um... the Tesseract..." Tony said biting on the end of his pen nervously.

"And why exactly do you want my help with the Tesseract?" You asked looking at them both slightly confused.

I mean come on, you were just a normal Midgardian girl who sometimes gave The Avengers advice sometimes, but other than that, you were just a normal girl who was absolutely in love with everything Norse Mythology.

"Well, whenever your around the Tesseract it always seems to calm down, but when me, or Bruce, or any other human is around it, it gets a little feisty let's just say..." Tony said.
You looked at Tony and Bruce as you than rolled you eyes sighing, "um right... and what do you want me to talk to the thing?" You asked laughing a bit.

"Yes actually we do" Director said walking up behind you.

"You want me... to talk to the Tesseract?" You laughed walking away as Thor grabbed you arm.
"Please, Director Fury needs your help" Thor said as you couldn't help but giggle, Thor was rather handsome as you nodded your head giggling cutely.

You than shook out of your daze rolling your eyes as you followed Director Fury down into the basement of Stark Tower.

"First you will need protection ms. _______" Director Fury said.

You rolled your eyes, "I don't need protection" You smirked opening the lab door and walking into the room where the Tesseract was, the walls were made of the strongest metal as the Tesseract just sat there on a table glowing.

You closed the door as the Tesseract started to glow brighter.

"Come on ask it a few questions..." Director Fury said through a microphone as the voice boomed through the speaker in the high corner of the room.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." You sighed as you poked the Tesseract.

The Tesseract made a clicking noise as you gasped.

You smiled, "The Tesseract was said to be owned by Odin long ago, is that true?" You asked softly as the Tesseract made a louder clicking noise.

You picked up the Tesseract holding it close to you as Director Fury gasped, You smiled as you felt a cold sensation in your hands.

You looked down at the Tesseract in your hands as it seemed to glow even brighter.
"That's impossible!" Nick Fury growled as Thor noticed your eyes seemed to turn a tinge of bright blue.

Director Fury slowly opened the door as he looked at you curiously, "but the Tesseract down ms. ________" Director Fury said as you just kept staring deeply into the Tesseract.

"Director!" Thor shouted as your eyes turned an icy blue, they glowed brightly just like the Tesseract.

Director Fury quickly grabbed the Tesseract wincing and quickly putting it back on the table.

You suddenly fainted as everything just went black.

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