Loki X Reader (Chapter 25) [Taken]

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"Loki...? What's going on?" You asked softly as Loki uncuffed you.

The Frost Giants grabbed you as you looked at them scared, "Your coming with us, Protector of the Tesseract!" The Frost Giants laughed.

You looked at Loki sadly.

You and The Frost Giants disappeared as Loki sighed sadly looking down.

A few moments later

You and the two Frost Giants appeared in Jotunhiem, "I am not the Protector of the Tesseract!" You screamed.

"Yes you are" One of the Frost Giants growled.

"What the hell is going on!?" You growled angrily as one of the Frost Giants slapped you, You fell to the ground.

"How dare you treat our ruler like that!" King Laufey shouted angrily.

"I am deeply sorry My King..." The Frost Giant said.

You got up, "What do you mean by ruler...?" You asked looking at King Laufey curiously but also looking quite scared.

"You are the true ruler of all the 9 realms, you can become more powerful than Odin himself" King Laufey smirked.

You backed away shaking your head, "No, take me back home!" You demanded.

King Laufey let out a slight growl, "Don't you want to become the most powerful ruler, don't you want to know everything! Don't you want to know how to cause the destruction of the gods by only saying one word, don't you want to know!?" King Laufey shouted.

You shook your head.

"I will not be on your side! I will not cause war and pain!" You shouted angrily.

King Laufey snapped his fingers as the two Frost Giants grabbed You dragging you into the Kingdom and dragging you down into the dungeon and chaining you to the wall.

"Why are you doing this!?" You growled at the Frost Giants smirked.

"We want the great Protector of The Tesseract to be on our side" The Frost Giant smirked as he than left.

You cried out for help for hours but no one came.

Almost three days had passed as You had been tortured almost the whole time, but you didn't dare to give up, you promised yourself to never to join the Frost Giants.

Just as you were brought out of the dungeon, someone had knocked out the Frost Giants and grabbed you, helping you out of the Kingdom, Your vision was far to blurry to see who it was as you groaned quietly.

"Shh... Your alright..." A voice muttered.

"W-Who...W-Who a-are you...?" You asked as you gasped having trouble breathing.

"It's okay my darling, I'm here for you..." The voice said.

You smiled a bit.

"Loki...?" You asked.

"Of course my darling, I have come to save you" Loki said as he picked you up holding you close.

You moaned quietly.

"Don't worry my darling, your safe with me" Loki said as you both disappeared.

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