Loki X Reader (Chapter 43)

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"Hey look dude... I'm sure there not gonna kill you" Tony said walking up behind Bruce, "Look your my bud and I won't let them hurt you" Tony said as he quickly but gently hugged Bruce and smiled at him innocently.

"I'm your bud?" Bruce smiled a bit.

"Of course you are" Tony smiled at Bruce warmly as poured himself a glass of whiskey taking a sip.

Bruce smiled as Loki walked into the kitchen, "Um... _________ is kind of upset and well... just follow me..." Loki led Bruce and Tony into the living room.

"You want to turn me into a weapon!" You screamed angrily at Nick Fury.

Hawkeye sighed as him and Black Widow grabbed you.

"Were taking you to S.H.I.E.L.D HQ weather you like it or not!" Nick Fury growled as Hawkeye and Black Widow dragged you toward the door.

"Loki!" You cried as for some reason you couldn't pull away from Hawkeye and Black Widow.
Black Widow smirked as she put some metal bracelets on you.

You suddenly felt weak as you fell the floor, "W-What did you do to me...?" You asked as Loki ran to you picking you up and holding you close.

"Special bracelets that prevent you from using your powers" Nick Fury smirked.

"Look... your not turning _______ into a weapon... I'm only letting you do tests on her... okay?" Loki said sternly.

"I will have to talk to the council...." Nick Fury muttered.

You looked at Loki worried as you suddenly fainted.

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