Loki X Reader (Chapter 56)

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Loki gently kissed your collar bone, you turned looking at Loki sadly but wrapped your arms around Loki's neck kissing him passionately than slowly pulled away getting off of him and walking into the bathroom.

Loki wondered what was troubling you, Loki sighed and walked into the bedroom sitting down on the bed.

Loki had waited five-ten minutes hoping you would be out of the bathroom by now, Loki got up and walked over to the bathroom door and knocked, "Darling...? Are you okay?" Loki asked concerned.

"Uh... yeah! I'm completely fine... Yep! Perfect!" You called from inside the bathroom.

Loki nodded his head and walked back into the bathroom.

Another fifteen minutes had passed as Loki knocked on the bathroom door again, "Darling what in Odin's name are you doing in there...?" Loki asked beginning to get extremely worried.

"Nothing... Fine..." You opened the bathroom door smiling innocently as you gently pushed Loki aside walking into the bedroom looking nervous.

Loki peeked in the bathroom but saw nothing out of the ordinary as he than walked into the bedroom looking at you curiously.

"Uh... well... I think I'm going to get some sleep..." You muttered softly as you too stripped down to your underwear and bra but walked into your closet slipping a baggy dress shirt on, Loki gently pulled you toward him.

"Darling...? Are you okay?" Loki asked concerned as he lovingly grasped your hand.

You quickly pulled away, "Yep! Fine! Totally Perfect!" You fake smiled and quickly got into bed pretending to fall asleep.

Loki sighed as he lay in bed with you wrapping his arms around you.

You quickly pushed Loki away and sat up sighing sadly, you pulled your knees to your chest and wrapped your arms around your knees.

Loki sat up looking hurt, "Darling... your not okay... please tell me what's going on" Loki begged as he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek.

You looked down nervously shaking your head.

Loki lovingly but tightly grasped your hand, "Please darling... I'm worried about you..." Loki sighed.

You took a deep breathe, "I-I'm... I-I'm..."

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