Loki X Reader (Chapter 57)

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"Your what darling, come on... you know you can tell me anything..." Loki smiled at you lovingly as he squeezed your hand tighter.

You turned looking at Loki, "K-King L-Laufey was right... I-I'm... I'm pregnant..." You looked down sadly as you tried to hold back your tears.

Loki put his hand on your cheek, "Darling... everything going to be okay" Loki smiled.

"What if it's not going to be okay Loki... w-w-what if I die during birth... o-or even worse... w-what if the baby dies...?" Tears began streaming down your cheeks.

Loki pulled you into a loving hug, "That's not going to happen ______! Both me and you know that" Loki gently rubbed your back not ever wanting to let you go.

"Loki... I-I'm scared..." You sobbed into his chest.

Loki gently lifted your chin, "Hey... let's look at the wonderful and happy moments that will come of this" Loki smiled.

You looked at Loki worried but took a deep breathe, "L-Like what...?" You asked sniffling.

"Like.... knowing that your going to bring a new life into this world... that you and me are going to raise this child together.... _______ darling, we'll have so much fun teaching our child new things..." Loki smiled brightly.

You smiled a bit.

Loki gently wiped your tears, "There's much more happy things out there than negative darling" Loki smiled.

You blushed and kissed Loki's cheek.

"I'm going to be there beside you the whole time... okay?" Loki said.

"Okay..." You smiled and gently rested your head on Loki's chest yawning.

"P-Perhaps we s-should both get some rest" Loki yawned as he lay down with you holding you close.

Your legs intertwined with his as you both fell sound asleep.

In the middle of the night

You shifted not being able to sleep, you sighed and sat up looking around the mid-dark room, you looked out the window and saw the full moon as you smiled a bit.

"Can you help me go to bed...?" You asked staring at the moon and sighing.

Loki saw up yawning, "Are you okay darling?" Loki asked tiredly.

"I can't go to sleep..." You muttered rubbing your eyes.

Loki pulled you close and than lay down with you, "Just focus on the beat of my heart... okay?" Loki yawned.

"Okay..." You muttered softly as you gently rested your head on Loki's chest loving his embrace.

About ten to twenty minutes later

You still hadn't fallen asleep, "Loki..." You gently shook him.

Loki awoke yawning tiredly, "Yes darling...?" He mumbled looking at you.
"I still can't go to sleep..." You sighed.

"Than I shall tell you a story that my mother Frigga told me when I was little, it would always help me have a goodnight sleep" Loki smiled.

You smiled snuggling up to Loki.

"This story is about how Odin created Midgard...." Loki said.

"Long ago, Odin, Vili, and Vé, slew the giant Ymir, and out of his body formed the earth, of his blood the seas, of his bones the mountains, of his hair the trees, of his skull the heavens, and of his brain clouds, charged with hail and snow. Of Ymir's eyebrows the gods formed Midgard, destined to become the abode of man, Odin... then regulated the periods of day and night and the seasons by placing in the heavens the sun and moon, and appointing to them their respective courses. As soon as the sun began to shed its rays upon the earth, it caused the vegetable world to bud and sprout. Shortly after the gods had created the world they walked by the side of the sea, pleased with their new work, but found that it was still incomplete, for it was without human beings" Loki said.

Loki was about to continue but noticed that you were already sound asleep as he smiled and fell back asleep himself.

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