Loki X Reader (Chapter 15) [You are my Inspiration]

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Suddenly Loki appeared in front of You, "L-Loki...?" You asked panting, Loki walked toward you as he pulled you to your feet, You winced moaning in pain, "Loki...? Please no more of this, I beg of you" You cried.

Loki didn't say anything as suddenly guards grabbed The Avengers unconscious bodies and dragged them down into the dungeon.

One of the guards grabbed you as Loki whacked him in the back of the head.
"Do not touch her!" Loki shouted angrily.

"Take her to my room" Loki demanded as the guard nodded his head and led you toward Loki's room, The guard gently pushed you into Loki's room slamming the door and locking it.

"What!? No!" You cried banging on the door, You sighed falling to your knees gently putting your head to the door, You than took a deep breathe and turned around.

What caught your eye was canvas's all over the room.

You stood and walked over to Loki's bed that was covered in fur as You saw a beautiful painting of You hanging on the wall, You gasped and blushed.

You than walked over to Loki's desk seeing books piled on his desk, You saw Loki's sketchbook as you picked it up sitting on Loki's bed and opening it.

Every page was filled detailed drawings of You, you turned the pages slowly but quickly stopped at one page that stood out most, It was a oil pastel drawing of Loki holding you in his arms.

You slowly closed the book and got up sitting the sketchbook back on his desk, You sighed looking down.

"Someone has to be making you cause all this chaos..." You muttered softly.

You saw an empty canvas and than saw paints on the table beside it as you quickly grabbed a stool and sat down beginning to paint.

Hours later you had created a stunning detailed picture of Loki.

You smiled happily as suddenly Loki walked into the room seeing you covered in paint and the wonderful painting you painted of him.

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