Loki X Reader (Chapter 36)

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Loki ran into the room looking at you concerned, "Darling... please calm down..." Loki begged as he closed the doors behind him taking a deep breathe.

"Is it true?!" You screamed at Loki.

"Is what true my darling...?" Loki asked walking up to you and lovingly grasping your hand.

You pushed Loki away, "That I'm just another weapon that Odin created!" You shouted.

"Darling... that's not true... deep inside you know that too..." Loki said as he pulled you close and kissed your cheek.

Thor suddenly burst into the room, "You let him get away!" Thor shouted angrily at you.

"Thor this is a bad time, please leave" Loki begged, Loki didn't dare to let you go as he lovingly stroked your hair trying to calm you down.

"But this is all her fault!" Thor shouted angrily.

Your eyes began glowing a bright icy blue.

"Thor shut up and leave!" Loki growled, "Shhh... there is no need to get angry darling... just listen to my voice okay...?" Loki whispered to you.

You nodded your head closing your eyes.

Thor grabbed Loki pulling him away from you.

You growled angrily opening your eyes as with a snap of your fingers Thor was floating off the ground wincing in pain.

"You should listen to your little brother..." You growled in a dark voice.

Loki gasped looking at you surprised.

Thor gasped for air but cried out moaning in pain when you clenched your fist angrily.

"Please stop!" Loki begged.

"No!" You shouted angrily as your eyes glowed brighter.

"I-I'm s-sorry..." Thor muttered wincing.

"Don't say sorry to me... say sorry to your little brother that only wanted to be your equal! The one that always got ignored! The one that never got any attention! Say sorry! Now!" You screamed.

Thor moaned in pain as he looked at Loki weakly, "I'm so sorry little brother..." Thor muttered.

Loki smiled a bit, "It's okay big brother..." Loki said.

Your body now begun to glow as Loki tackled you to the floor, "Stop!" Loki shouted angrily as he pinned your arms and legs to the floor.

You slowly opened your eyes looking at Loki sadly.

"I-I'm sorry.... I didn't mean too..." You muttered softly.

Thor fell the the floor groaning in pain as he got up off the floor wincing.

"I'm sorry Loki... I didn't mean to hurt him... I didn't mean to get so angry... I-I.. I-I... I-I just..." You looked at Loki disappointed in yourself as tears streamed down your cheeks.

Loki helped you up off the floor as he hugged you tightly, "Shhh... darling... it's gonna be okay... your gonna be okay..." Loki whispered to you as he kissed you passionately.

Thor sighed as he walked out of the room.

You kissed back lovingly grasping Loki's hand and looking at him worried, "Loki... I'm so sorry..." You muttered.

"Darling, you don't need to be sorry, you only need to control your temper..." Loki muttered as he kissed your forehead.

"I'm going to teach you... okay?" Loki smiled for you.

"Loki... Are you sure... you don't have to do that for me..."You muttered softly.

"I love you and I'm going to help you..." Loki said sternly as he picked you up and carried you to his room, Loki than gently sat you on his bed.

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