Loki X Reader (Chapter 45)

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You ran down the hallway and turned right finding yourself at a door as you opened it running inside, "Tony!" You shouted quickly closing the door and locking it, "Tony I need your help!" You said turning around.

You gasped as you saw The Hulk staring at you but was chained to the wall.

The Hulk roared angrily as he tried to break free from the powerful chains but couldn't.

"D-Dr. B-B-Banner...?" You asked softly.

The Hulk looked at you curiously as you took a deep breathe and slowly walked toward him, "If I let you go, will you help me..?" You asked The Hulk.

The Hulk nodded his head and smirked as you used all your strength and broke the chains that bound The Hulk.

The Hulk smiled at you with his bright green eyes.

You smiled back, "Come on Hulkie" You smiled as The Hulk burst through the wall, "Um... okay... I guess we can go that way too" You smiled and walked through the huge hole in the wall.

The Hulk smirked as he picked you gently sitting you in his hand, "Hulkie... we have to go..." You said.

"________ to slow" The Hulk said.

"I'm a lot tinnier than you though Hulkie..." You muttered softly.

The Hulk smirked as he punched the wall next to him and walked through.

"Hulkie..." You muttered softly.

The Hulk looked at you as he chuckled realizing you were covered in dust, he tried to blow the dust off as you fell off his hand falling to the floor.

"Ouchie..." You groaned getting up off the floor.

"Hulk sorry!" Hulk said helping you stand.

"It's okay Hulkie..." You smiled for him.

Tony dropped his glass of whiskey as he looked at you and The Hulk surprised, "I am totally not paying for that!" Tony said looking at the huge hole in the wall.

"Tony... who cares about that..." You said looking at Tony worried.

Tony looked at you as he suddenly noticed what you were wearing, "Hello pretty lady" Tony smirked as he gently grasped your hips pulling you close.

You quickly pulled away from Tony slapping him, "Tony! I'm engaged!" You screamed.

"Your not even wearing a ring, did reindeer games forget to get you a ring?" Tony asked.

You slapped Tony again, "I don't care if I'm not wearing a ring! I am still engaged!" You shouted at Tony angrily.

Tony rubbed his cheek and pouted, "I'm sorry..." he muttered.

"Good! Now where is Loki...?" You asked looking at Tony worried.

"I'll take you too him..." Tony muttered softly as he walked toward the front door.

You turned and looked at The Hulk, "You can smash your way out of here Hulkie... or you can stay here and wait for me to come back and get you..." You muttered softly.

The Hulk picked you up and gently sat you in his hand, "Hulk stay!" Hulk smiled.

You giggled and kissed The Hulk's cheek, "Okay... but you must promise to be good..." You said.

"Hulk promise be good!" The Hulk smiled and gently put you down.

You smiled and waved and followed Tony.

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