Loki X Reader (Chapter 87)

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The limo soon came to a stop.

You looked at Loki nervously, "Loki... I have never been to a masquerade ball..." You muttered softly.

Loki helped you out of the limo, "Well you look absolutely beautiful so I am sure that everything will go perfect..." Loki smiled at you lovingly.

"But Loki... what about our daughter?" You asked.

"Tony and Bruce promised to watch her, she will be fine..." Loki said as he put his mask on.

"Uh... okay..." You still looked nervously as you and Loki walked into a museum where the masquerade ball was being held.

Once you and Loki walked in, you heard the most beautiful classical music you had ever heard.

"Shall we dance my darling" Loki smiled bowing.

You blushed and smiled.

Loki lovingly grasp your hand as he walked you onto the dance floor, Loki wrapped one of his arms around your waist.

You and Loki danced, though you felt embarrassed because you kept stepping on Loki's feet.

Loki chuckled kissing your cheek, "Your doing a lot better than be darling" Loki said.

You giggled and smiled as you suddenly noticed a tall man in a clean suit with a red masquerade mask smiling at you and watching you dance with Loki.

"I'll be right back" You smiled at Loki as you followed the man down a hallway and into a room full of old books.

You saw the man standing behind a shelf.

"Greetings my dear" The man walked out from behind a shelf smiling at you, his bright blue eyes stood out most as his long blonde hair fell to his shoulders.

"Why hello handsome" You giggled.

The man walked up to you and grasped your hips, you both began to dance together.

"I never knew you were such a good dancer... Thor" You smiled.

Thor lifted his mask and smiled at you, "You look stunningly beautiful" Thor smiled.

You blushed, "Thank you... you look very handsome tonight" You said.

Thor smiled, "Why thank you my dear" Thor chuckled as you both continued to dance.

You heard Loki clear his throat from behind you as you and Thor quickly stopped dancing, you turned around seeing Loki standing right in front of you.

"You are here with me, not him!" Loki growled pulling you out of the room and back into the main hall.

You sighed but nodded as you and Loki began dancing again.

Thor came up behind you gently pulling you away from Loki.

You and Thor began to dance, you blushed and smiled a bit but Loki ended up pulling you back toward him.

You and Loki began dancing again.

Thor grabbed you as so did Loki, Thor and Loki pulled you back and forth before letting go of you and falling backward.

You fell to the floor looking at the people around you, they all laughed at you loudly as you sighed getting up and running out of the building.

Loki and Thor looked at each other growling angrily as they ended up getting into a nasty fight.

After they fight they ran out of the building looking for you.

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