Loki X Reader (Chapter 26)

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Both You and Loki appeared back in Midgard as Loki brought you into your house where The Avengers stood waiting for you, "Loki..?" You looked at Loki confused as The Avengers waved at you smiling.

"Yes I sent The Avengers free..." Loki whispered to you.

"But why...?" You asked.

"Because they're your friends and I knew you would be happy to see them..." Loki smiled for you.

You kissed Loki's cheek as he carried You inside and up to your room, where he gently layed you down on your bed.

"Why...? Why did you let the Frost Giants take me...?" You asked slowly sitting up.

Loki made you lay down again, "I thought they were going to just talk with you... not torture you" Loki kissed your forehead, "I was such an idiot, I should have came with you and kept you safe" Loki sighed.

You lovingly grasped Loki's hand, "It's not your fault Loki..." You muttered softly.

Loki kneeled down at the bed side.

"Everything's my fault... I don't want to take over to world anymore, I don't want to hurt anymore people, I just want to be with you" Loki smiled and kissed you passionately.

You looked at Loki surprised as you smiled happily.

"Really...?" You muttered.

"Yes really!" Loki smiled as he gently stroked your hair looking deeply into your eyes.

"I never thought that I could meet such a brilliant, sweet, smart, stunningly beautiful woman like you... but I did... and I'm very happy" Loki smiled again.

You found Loki's happy smile absolutely adorable as you gently sat up wrapping your arms around his neck kissing him passionately.

"So this means you will stop all this chaos...?" You asked looking at Loki hopping he wouldn't shout and get angry.

"Yes I promise, my darling" Loki smiled as he gently put his hand to your cheek.

"I love you so much.... and I would do anything for you... you know that right?" Loki said as he kissed your forehead.

"Yes Loki, I would do exactly the same" You giggled cutely blushing a bit.

Loki was about to kiss you again when Thor burst into the room.

"Brother Loki! How could you let such monsters do this to poor _______?!" Thor shouted as he walked over to you kissing your cheek.

"Hunny are you okay?" Thor asked concerned as you nodded your head.

"Yes Thor, Loki's the one who saved me..." You muttered getting a tad bit annoyed with Thor even though he just entered the room.

"Oh! Well I was going to come as save you! If I didn't find out so late" Thor smirked.

You rolled your eyes and sighed.

Loki kissed your cheek and got up walking toward the door, "Would you like anything deary? I am going to learn how to make some hot coco as mortals call it" Loki chuckled.

"Yes I would like a cup please" You smiled.

Loki nodded his head and walked downstairs.

Thor suddenly kneeled down in front of you.

"______ I need to ask you something very important..." Thor said as he gently grasped you hand.

"Yes Thor?" You asked.

"Will you.... Will you..." Thor couldn't manage to get out what he was trying to say.

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