Werewolf excuse No.11

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Lily: Where's Remus going? We have astronomy soon.

James: He's fine! He, well, he-

Sirius: He ate that nice looking chocolate pudding with ice cream earlier. I tried to stop him.

Lily: What?

Sirius: Didn't you know? Remus is lactose intolerant. He's not always strong enough to resist his carvings, though. It's not a pretty sight.


Sirius: He accidentally managed to toot the tune of Celestina Warbeck's 'A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love' once.

Sirius: if he has dessert, closing the windows in the dorm, even in the middle of winter, is always a mistake.

Sirius: We know 7 different spells to help with fresh air circulation.

Sirius: Peter fainted walking into the bathroom after him one time.

Lily: Stop! I've heard enough. Poor Remus. Why he tolerates you three as friends I'll never know. I'm going before you say anything else. I'll talk to Remus when he returns.

James: See you later, Evans.

James: What was that? Why didn't you tell her about Remus's sickly relative, like you were supposed to?

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