Best Day of the year

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In the teachers restroom:

Flitwick: You know what day it is tomorrow, Minerva?

Minerva: Yes Filius. I know.

Flitwick: How are you going to handle it this year?

Minnie: I'm just trying to decide whether I will call off all my lessons and hide in my room all day or not.

Flitwick: Would be a wise choice.

Minnie: I know.


Meanwhile in the Gryffindor dorms:

Sirius: (wickedly) You know what day tomorrow is gentlemen?

Remus: (smirking cruelly) We Do. The best day of the year.

James: The only day we can do whatever we want without getting punished.

Peter: The day teachers hide in their rooms instead of having lessons.

Sirius: The day we can fully use our brilliant, evil instead of having lessons.

Marauders: April Fools Day! (Dramatic evil laughter)

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